Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [is] [vb pp] on the " in BNC.

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1 If the comb is n't level , it may be because you did n't put it in symmetrically , or that the weights are n't positioned symmetrically , or it 's caught on the ribber , or you tied the end of the yarn to the clamp when you started .
2 Reliance is placed upon the statutory duty of the Independent Broadcasting Authority to ensure that nothing is transmitted on the commercial airwaves which is in bad taste or is likely to prove offensive to public feeling .
3 Either the magistrate refuses bail and says , effectively , that the court orders that the weekly equivalent of £20,000 a year is spent on the offender until his case is heard , or the court grants bail and orders that nothing is spent on the offender until the case is heard .
4 A lot like the pig above , except that it 's found on the grasslands and savannah woodlands of eastern and south-eastern Africa , is slightly bigger , is more bristly than hairy and is a muddy colour .
5 It is not within the scope of this book to enter into a detailed explanation of the technique of the horn , but the fact should be firmly grasped that it is based on the possibility of producing by means of varying embouchure the upper partials of the harmonic series derived from a fundamental note , the pitch of which depends on the length of the tube .
6 Does my right hon. Friend agree that it is based on the Labour party 's ideological dislike of people who are not wholly dependent on the state ?
7 So important is it to wintering wildfowl , that it is included on the International List of Wetlands of the RAMSAR Convention and must be especially safeguarded against threats of reclamation for farmland and industry , and against over-shooting by wildfowlers .
8 The only problem I had with the book is that it is hinged on the premise that hardened psychopaths are capable of deep love — somehow that does n't ring true .
9 If he is to practise standing up , the plinth height may be raised , so that he is perched on the edge with his legs fairly straight : this reduces the support under his seat , but makes it easier for him to stand .
10 He feels so close to the nature of the place that he is photographed on the jacket of his book wearing a curious hat and holding the tusk of a wild pig .
11 The certified cause of death is of considerable importance because it is the usual end-point for epidemiological studies of ischaemic heart disease , and epidemiologists often assume that what is recorded on the death certificate is the cause of death .
12 There is more to a meal than what 's put on the plates .
13 ONE OF the most important lessons of game theory is that even if everyone is agreed on the most desirable course of action — for example , nuclear disarmament — a collection of individuals or nations acting independently may find it difficult to achieve the most desirable aims .
14 Elsewhere , Duncan and I have made an attempt to overcome these problems by putting forward a conceptual view of local politics which stresses the social relations involved , which highlights the importance of the locality , and which is based on the notion that local state institutions can be at once an agent of , and an obstacle to , central demands ( Duncan and Goodwin , 1988 ) .
15 Full-grain : leather that has the grain layer substantially intact and which is finished on the grain side .
16 In other words it is a selfish conception and it is based on the individual 's own experience .
17 There 's another aspect to what we do , and that is that I think we are part of a very powerful developing movement in education , and it is based on the concept that education should not stop with the terminal rituals of school and college , and that education should be as much part of life , wanting to know , to find out , to get to grips with the body of information and knowledge that 's available in society .
18 He left during pre-production and it is said on the South Bank that nobody even dared tell Birt 's successor , the more ruggedly populist Greg Dyke , of the project 's existence .
19 This is called the fill light , and it is set on the other side of the camera to reduce the depth of the shadows and to soften the modelling of the subject .
20 If it is argued on the basis of this reply that even a maniac is not beyond redemption and that given the right kind of treatment he might be able to take his place again within society , the argument only serves to show the different moral considerations that can be brought to bear on situations of moral dilemma .
21 And this is of course , as if I agree with the view that you expressed yesterday in a general context , although it was made specifically then in relation to one village , any recommendation I make in relation to that village , if it is based on the general principle , must apply by analogy also to Skelton , and I would have little choice but to recommend to the councils that they may wish or indeed they should , reconsider this question of washing-over or insetting elsewhere .
22 It is still important to see if specifying an age range could be indirect discrimination and it is important to bear in mind that differential age criteria are always likely to be direct discrimination even if it is based on the unequal state pension age .
23 If labour income is disproportionately spent on a good that is labour-intensive , then some part of the tax is shifted via the rise in ( ) ; conversely , if it is spent on the capital-intensive good , the initial impact is magnified .
24 It might look good to turn up with such a grand vin , but if it 's opened on the night , even Mouton this young would be unpalatable , a horrid waste of money .
25 There are many new motorways not shown ; the detailed form of the roads is not reproduced faithfully ; and what is shown on the map to be an isolated settlement turns out to be hardly any bigger than the many other settlements you can see .
26 Again be aware if you have a desk , the temptation is that you using a folder here and if your is laid on the desk , what would he be able to do ?
27 I 'll post news if anything is mentioned on the 5 o'clock news .
28 They look at a map , draw a line and produce leaflets but nothing is done on the ground to withstand the pressure of hundreds of people following the route .
29 Interestingly , it was at this very juncture that an addition was made to the show for the revival — a movement which is not found either in the score or the 1692 quarto , but which is printed on the second of the single-sheet inserts in Q1693 .
30 " Unless it 's bolted on the inside we ought to be able to get in with these , " he said .
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