Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [is] [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It 's worth up to £4,000 , but would-be murderer Sheila Stroud was allowed out of Holloway Prison , where she 's serving 18 years , and driven to Cheltenham to dispute Mr Stokle 's claim .
2 Every choreographer must have a motive if he or she is to give proper thought , impetus and significance to the movements made by the dancers whether : they are telling a story ; describing and/or expressing the thoughts behind a theme ; or interpreting music either by expressing personal feelings about the melody and rhythm or by so framing the dance that it parallels the music and reveals its structure .
3 To get the Income Support a person must be available for full time work and show that he or she is taking reasonable steps to find a job .
4 In response to a request from a member we ask a named practitioner ( medical or alternative ) if he or she has evidence of efficacy that meets these criteria and , if not , if he or she is obtaining such evidence .
5 So , point six erm okay look at the sentences one and two under six , one is apparently ill-formed , herself left , except in I think some Irish dialects actually yes , well it has a rather special meaning where herself is given special status erm in the context , but in normal English , English herself left is ill-formed , but two , Florence saw herself is fine herself is a reflective pronoun refers that herself each other or one another , the other are reflective pronouns .
6 In fact , there is a view that agencies too opt for long-term foster care instead of adoption with contact where there is continued parental interest .
7 Robbie Gladwell has opened a new guitar workshop in Sudbury , Suffolk , where he is undertaking all nature of electric and acoustic guitar repairs ; plus setups for that ‘ problem ’ guitar , customising and custom building , etc .
8 And every day Berkowitz , 45 , was brought to court from Wandsworth prison , where he is serving three years for such an offence .
9 If the policy-making area is technical and complex , public officials have a decided advantage , even though the state may not have a total monopoly of technically relevant knowledge in policy areas where it is pursuing corporatist arrangements .
10 A large aerogenerator programme is at present underway in the Netherlands where it is hoped that wind will be supplying about one quarter of Dutch electricity demand by the year 2000 .
11 The aim throughout the year will be to cover all aspects of accompaniment ; Piano in October , Percussion in January , Taped Music in March and , finally in June a Music Workshop where it is hoped qualified teachers will bring along tapes and records that they have used in their classes and which might be helpful to other teachers .
12 Cleanaway can take liquid PCBs at its Ellesmere Port establishment , where it is building another plant which will take capacity there to 48,000 tonnes annually .
13 Where liability is admitted , or it is acknowledged that liability is likely to be established , then it may be sensible to try and agree an interim payment because it will probably be possible to secure a lower sum in interim damages than would be awarded by the Court if matters were so to proceed .
14 When our group raised the issues of travellers with one of the DHSS offices here we were told that everyone is allowed two weeks holidays every year .
15 And like , she has , like , although she 's doing secondary teaching , she has it easier than anybody .
16 She has often darkly alluded to some form of abuse in her own formative years , and there 's a strong sense that she 's singing these songs to someone in particular .
17 And Jean 's started to move the furniture around … a sign that she 's getting itchy feet :
18 The woman returner can feel inadequate when she goes back to work , forgetting that she 's spent several years managing and developing human resources at home .
19 Excuse me I have to say Princess Diana yesterday stunned the world announcing that she is to quit public life .
20 Suppose a girl under 16 does not wish her parents to know that she is seeking contraceptive advice : the medical profession is divided between those who give priority to partial consent , and others who , in line with the General Medical Council , hold that the principle of professional confidentiality overrides that of parental consent .
21 It is a striking reminder of the pastoral rural life of long ago and the first pointer to the fact that one is entering ancient quarters .
22 But the point is not whether or not attention is sustained , but that it is when most attentive that one is taking most information into account .
23 Counsel should also ensure that there is annexed any material which counsel would expect the court to note in detail .
24 The reduced concentrations of γ-interferon were surprising in view of its involvement in other forms of immunopathology and of the recent finding that there is increased spontaneous production of γ-interferon by lamina propria cells in Crohn 's disease .
25 your lines are either working and making you money or there working and costing you money , and the supervisor 's job is to make sure that whoever 's working these phone 's is getting a result
26 But fundamentalists are also really dangerous , at least for a while , because hypocrites think that everybody is talking double talk , like them , and awful misunderstandings occur .
27 Public Health Nursing is still to a large extent task-oriented and the findings in a survey of the work load of the Public Health Nurse in Ireland in 1986 showed that only a small percentage of time ( 0.2% ) was spent directly on health education , although it is acknowledged that health promotion is a component of tasks and policy in all aspects of their role .
28 The Government has confirmed that it 's considering changing county boundaries .
29 Yeah , I mean it it 's a home office ruling that it 's allowing local authorities to eat the fee .
30 The good news I hear from feminist friends is that it 's becoming old hat these days to involve the father in childbirth .
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