Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [verb] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Her first stop was Merchiston Tower , once home to our name-sake , John Napier , where she met members of the Governing Body , staff and the Students Association .
2 The figure is also lower than that derived by Hughes 100 for her single chemistry thesis , where she found elements of the thesis research in five subsequent papers .
3 Equally , the figure is lower than figure derived by Hughes for her single chemistry thesis , where she found elements of the thesis research in five subsequent papers .
4 Members of an established company scheme at the time of the 1989 Budget , who remain in the same scheme — or who change schemes within the same group of associated employers — are not affected by the change .
5 ‘ In the days before there was much legislation on public health matters , public nuisance was the only offence for which it was possible to prosecute those who stank out the neighbourhood with fumes from glassworks , tanneries and smelters , or who kept pigs in the streets , or kept explosives in dangerous places …
6 But what of the farmer who grew crops to feed the enemy 's army , or who paid taxes to the enemy king ( and more and more people were now doing this , in one form or another ) , or whose farmyard provided feathers for enemy arrows ?
7 We visited Abu Dhabi and Dubai , where we met members of the royal family and other officials ; Hong Kong ; Gibraltar ; and other towns and cities in Britain .
8 Erm now , something that puzzled me for quite a long time when I started out doing philosophy of language er one or two years ago erm frequently you hear claims or we hear claims to the effect that this is a logical form of this sentence or this is the structure of this sentence , or this is the semantic structure of this sentence and I was never quite sure what that actually meant erm it 's partly because apart from Davidson , erm a lot of people who write on these issues do n't actually tell you what the background theory is and exactly what the point of the assignment of structured sentences is supposed to be , erm however after thinking about it for a while , I 've arrived at the following following general view there are at least three rather different enterprises er which might lead you to assign sentence structure and er one needs to figure out the relations between them .
9 The Huddlestons of Millom were active on Gloucester 's behalf throughout Cumbria , but their own land led them to look rather to north Lancashire , where they had dealings with the Harringtons .
10 The Huddlestons of Millom were active on Gloucester 's behalf throughout Cumbria , but their own land led them to look rather to north Lancashire , where they had dealings with the Harringtons .
11 where they sold copies of The Red Letter ,
12 In London Whigs and Dissenters not only organised counter-demonstrations , where they burnt effigies of the Pope , the Pretender and Tory defectors , but they also engaged in vigilante activity , as they sought to suppress the activities of the Jacobite crowds .
13 He remained in The Hague , 1751–7 , where he established friendships with the British minister , Joseph Yorke ( later Baron Dover ) and his brother Philip ( Viscount Royston and later second Earl of Hardwicke ) [ qq.v. ] , both sons of Philip Yorke , first Earl of Hardwicke , lord chancellor [ q.v . ] .
14 Morgan was the first to learn of the Armistice in the trenches , where he intercepted instructions from the German GHQ ordering the generals to lay down their arms .
15 Caxton had learned the art of printing from movable types in Cologne , and set up his press in the abbey precincts , close to the chapter house , where he printed books under the patronage of the English kings Edward IV , Richard III and Henry VII .
16 Charles Nupen , a strike mediator , announced on Jan. 26 that a settlement between the two sides had been reached whereby SATS agreed to recognize SARHWU and to negotiate wages and conditions of service with the union in areas where it obtained registrations under the Labour Relations Act .
17 He is a modes man who appears genuinely bemused by the British reaction to him : ‘ I have always been impressed by British democracy and the irony is that — although I have differences with the British leaders from time to time — I sometimes feel my kind of federalism is better understood in Britain than by some of the federalists elsewhere in Europe who always cry , onwards , onwards ! ’
18 ‘ I was always the top broker at any firm I worked for on Wall Street and before that I sold memberships at the Museum of Modern Art .
19 I could make no further headway with the landlord so I made enquiries amongst the other customers : a beggar who whined for alms inside the doorway and a greasy-haired knave , but they only repeated what the landlord had said .
20 It was not so much that she took things from the house — though his racial fear of the poorhouse or famine was deep — but that she left the house at all .
21 Did you also know that she had connections with the Dublin and London criminal underworlds ?
22 It was not so much that she distrusted banks as the bother for the visit .
23 Mala did point out that she found elements of the message suspicious .
24 Apart from the reservations already expressed concerning Ashraf 's work , it should also be observed that she emphasizes writers from the end of the century and later , especially as they relate to chartism and subsequent developments .
25 If you are following a written design , it is essential that you change colours on the rows given with the design and that you start at row one of the card ( unless otherwise stated ) .
26 It is vital that you set limits for the amount of money that you will deposit with each bank .
27 And then suddenly I hear that you 've replaced the Minister of Interior , of National Defence , and other ministers , and that you replaced secretaries of the Central Committee .
28 Thus to the question ‘ Why do you feel affection for your children ? ’ or ‘ Why are you inclined to assist animals ( or fellow citizens ) in pain ? ’ , it would sound lame and otiose to reply that it is because your children are kind and decent , or that you assist others in the hope that they will assist you , or that you do both to contribute to the greatest happiness of the greatest number of creatures .
29 Some of you thought that you had problems with the R5 commentators … you were lucky , I had to put up with norman hunter on BBC radio Leeds .
30 Not that you met girls at the Strathmore .
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