Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [verb] [pron] [vb infin] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Well some of the questions you think erm you think erm you know , are n't they a bit well way out or what made them ask that .
2 So she watched television and erm Princess Diana erm said something shocking at lunchtime at a luncheon party or lunch party and erm maybe just erm ten days before that Princess Diana 's announcement we were told by the Register Teacher that we will have an assignment of in February and we will compare some newspapers articles and maybe she did n't explain very erm specifically but she just gave us erm the brief information about er register assignment in February and she told us that we should er we should collect some newspapers about the same title was about the same topic and ho we should compare how each newspaper treated , treats the er news or what do you call that ?
3 I ca n't believe that I was really that desperate , that I let myself go that completely .
4 I think it means like if you saw that boy do something , the police , you , you take out a sworn affidavit that you saw him do that and , I think it 's a legal document , look it up , it 's
5 Children after the age of 2 are often so keen to prove their own independence and ability that they feel they know much better than their parents and so argue or ignore parents ' normal requests .
6 It shows that about three-quarters of the male respondents replied that the tax system had no influence on their work effort , 15 per cent replied that it made them work more and 11 per cent that it made them work less .
7 ‘ I am committed to these elderly people and I feel they deserve more than this .
8 Mr Harper said : ‘ I am committed to these elderly people and I feel they deserve more than this .
9 ‘ Having kids is a privilege , a joy , or it should be , and , by God , I 'll get the County down on you if I see you strike that boy of yours on the head again !
10 Do n't just sit there and worry alone — if you 've got a problem and you feel you need some help , write to Sue Frost
11 And who did you buy that .
12 I was wondering how on earth I should endure these hunting days , especially when they all came back and crowed over me about the jolly time they 'd had , and then I thought , by jove , there 's Alexandra Abbott and she does n't hunt and she made me laugh more than anyone has for years .
13 And she makes me laugh all the time — laughter is tremendously bonding , it 's the greatest thing .
14 Afterwards they went shopping together and she helped him choose some shoes for his wife .
15 His mother will faint if she sees him like this . ’
16 I tried to help her see that if she let herself go enough to enjoy playing building bricks too , Nicola would n't feel the need to throw them around to get the attention she wanted .
17 Let's have a look at number five If she did something like this how much has she got to start to give .
18 I 'll have to call you spindle-shanks if you let yourself get any thinner ! ’
19 " I make the tree stand up , if you let me make some of them little colour things . "
20 If you can put yourself in the other person 's shoes and think about how they might feel , it will certainly help if you let them know that .
21 Cos they do n't actually , if you do something like that , say you put plus five , minus five and then sit down and , you 're the one that plus three and minus three you do n't actually lose marks doing something wrong , you can not be penalised for doing it wrong , you can only gain credit for doing something right , because they 'll , give you five marks to doing that bit right and then knock three off for doing something else wrong , they , they would never give you penalty marks , they will only credit for doing things right , but so often it 's quite like down as you want , you ca n't .
22 What I keep trying to tell him is that if you do something like this , this space underneath has to be at least as much between the top of the S as the and the baseline and they sell them .
23 Will you promise you wo n't scribble if you do it like that
24 Cos nowadays if you if you did something like that folk would say you 'd gone a bit funny .
25 We wo n't get any girls working here if we do something like that .
26 There was a pond by us , belonging to the people that we were with , and they let us bring some , and we popped them in , and erm on the far bank of the pond there are always lovely dragonflies , and on the other side there 's some marsh orchids which , I did n't let the excavator erm scoop away that bank and each year there are marsh orchids .
27 The worst day we were out here working on the garden and it made me think this must be what it was like in the trenches
28 And it made us run all the way here just so 's we can hurry up and wait . ’
29 I keep getting awful pains in my side and it makes me go all hot .
30 If it makes you feel any better , I 'll get the doctor to have a look at you when he comes . ’
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