Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [verb] i [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Tired and confused after the journey , I followed the servant into a large building , where she left me in a sitting-room .
2 Like when we go to the laundrette , or she takes me to the swimming baths to have a hot shower .
3 ‘ He escorted me to his lodgings , where he treated me with every kindness , and dried my clothes whilst I managed a few hours sleep . ’
4 ‘ I blame it on the fact that someone linked me with the US government , ’ he says .
5 It was then that she told me about the hysterectomy . ’
6 ‘ Did you care when you walked out on me the day that you told me about the notes and the wine glass , and then Rebecca came back to the office ?
7 ‘ I insist that you take me to a fastline terminal .
8 ‘ Do n't you know that you caught me at an age when Taureans are at their most vulnerable ?
9 That you showed me on the plan ?
10 Erm , and he said , you know , I really resent the fact that you treat me like a village idiot , and I said , well you know , I 'm sorry that you feel that way , but my experience is of a group of fourteen people , erm , is that somebody always gets it wrong .
11 The house we sat in was still in chaos , so she led me to the sunny kitchen , where we talked and drank coffee , surrounded by boxes and plants and the smell of paint .
12 Kathy Rooney had to leave me one night when we were dining at the Kensington Hilton , so she took me to the porter to arrange for him to take me upstairs to my room when I was ready .
13 She ran out and tried to send me away but I pretended Sabine was expecting me , so she took me to the studio .
14 So you told me on the phone . ’
15 included in mine , so it meant that they paid me for the summer holidays cos I did n't officially really
16 ‘ Your comment about him finding it difficult to live with the idea of someone being better than him forced me into a complete rethink .
17 I do n't know what it was about , but I know that it shocked me into the sort of terror that I did n't know I was capable of .
18 The matches are made of a wood so flimsy that it reminds me of the balsa with which I tried , unsuccessfully , to build model aeroplanes .
19 ‘ I was playing in a particular game and did not think I had done anything spectacular at all when I was approached by Heffernan who told me that he wanted me for the Ireland team to play Australia in the Compromise Rules series , ’ recalls McGilligan .
20 He 's mad on polo so he takes me to the Hurlingham Club to watch him play .
21 If someone approaches me with a song , it 's got ta hit me in the face .
22 After about half an hour , the shooting died down and someone helped me inside the Cathedral .
23 If I remember correctly , I could get to either and someone put me on the system .
24 Although this is an isolated example it is typical of the problems I encountered and which led me to the conclusion that the product simply is n't ready for release into the market in its current form .
25 and I was probably alright , until she kicked me under the table Paul !
26 So when I came back to England , I consulted two elderly ladies , one a doctor , the other a spiritual medium , who work together , and who told me about the past lives I had had .
27 Lissa 's money gave out , and she told me over an international phone hook-up that she was n't interested any more .
28 ‘ You know , I gave her that room to herself when she came to us , because I thought it would be better , and she treated me like a servant — well , you saw , did n't you ? — and when she 'd got all the fun and sense of power out of that little game she started coming down with us .
29 She came over to me one night and she asked me for a lift .
30 And she asked me for the fifty P .
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