Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [verb] in [art] same " in BNC.

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1 Surely someone moving toward the light ought to measure it traveling at a higher speed than someone moving in the same direction as the light ; yet the experiment showed that both observers would measure exactly the same speed .
2 Neither did he , for the moment , recognise her own diffidence as an indication that she felt in the same way about him .
3 Er , consumer confidence fell away and U K consumers kept more of their cash in their pockets er , in fact , erm , they saved over two and a half billion pounds more in the first quarter of ninety one than they had in the same er , quarter of last year .
4 Mosasaurs , when not head-butting each other , were deep-diving sea hunters , and evidence of avascular necrosis in their bone structure hinted that they suffered in the same way as did human divers — they had frequent spells of the ‘ bends ’ .
5 Okay , now I 've just used this one example , but if you look at erm each other and one another there is also a reflective pronoun to find that they work in the same way in the appropriate antecedents and it also works for quantifier pronoun relations every girl admires herself which is fine but herself admired every girl does n't make a whole lot of sense .
6 One popular religious writer who thinks that they believe in the same god is John Hick .
7 As for the residence requirement , despite the fact that it applied in the same way to British nationals , it constituted covert discrimination on grounds of nationality in so far as , by the very nature of things , nationals of other member states were less likely to be ‘ resident ’ in the United Kingdom than British citizens .
8 These units could then be regarded as repeatedly subdivisible to the point that the final dimension is so minute that it stands in the same relation to the highest human capacity for feeling as does the single cell to the supreme achievement of cellular development , which is the physical human being .
9 And I respond in the same way .
10 He and I live in the same street .
11 If I stay in the same place for too long I get stale . ’
12 It is therefore ironic that the report which it unreservedly endorses and which appears in the same issue should perpetuate the thinking I seek here to expose as muddled and erroneous .
13 And even if you remain in the same location , you could still feel unsettled .
14 If you stay in the same place then the whole process of sexual reproduction means that indeed there are uniform populations which are hybridizing with one another and then barriers to other hybridizing population , but not if you move about .
15 On the criteria we 've been talking about today , so find yourself a partner that you have n't worked with today somebody erm if you go in the same group that Kathy 's in because then if it comes up to four o'clock Kathy wants to go then you can be the other partner you 've got half an hour to put on one sheet of paper clearly and concisely what we 've done on communications .
16 Her opening words , which echo a pair of lines in Chaucer 's first fabliau in the sequence of the Canterbury Tales , the Miller 's Tale ( I : 3768 – 9 ) , invite a dialogue charged with sexual connotations , not only in the obvious case of " " ryse " " , but also in the detectable reference to a conventional love-sickness : The monk 's answer immediately confirms the sexual topic of the dialogue , and dispenses with any euphemistic disguises : This rapid movement to a contextually surprising level of familiarity on the topic of sexual intimacy is paralleled in the French fabliau Auburee , where the old bawd , Auburee , in procuring a young wife for a besotted admirer , visits the wife and moves smartly into the bedroom , declaring : ( " I should certainly like to see your bed : then I should know for certain if you lie in the same splendour as the first wife did . " )
17 If you live in the same house as your landlord and your share living accommodation , ( e.g. kitchen or bathroom ) then once a Notice to Quit has been served upon you and has expired your landlord has the legal right to order you to leave your accommodation .
18 And we stay in the same place !
19 It was common practice for families to attend evening service and we sat in the same pew each week , about half way back in the north aisle .
20 Moran gave them a pound , Rose took a red ten-shilling note from her handbag and they left in the same whirl as they had entered , dancing and singing all the way out to the lorry .
21 Samuel was the more prolific pamphleteer , but according to Edwards , mother and son collaborated closely , ‘ the one inditing and the other writing ’ , and they lived in the same house at least until the end of 1652 .
22 An example of this is the trigram model used in the TANGORA speech recogniser ( Jelinek , 1986 ) which assumed that histories are equivalent if they end in the same two words .
23 Indeed , one scientist has been so misled by this grammatical similarity as to say that , given appropriate nerve graftings , two people could feel the same pain just as , if they looked in the same direction , they could see the same table .
24 OS/2 2.1 provides support for Wind ows applications with Object Linking and Embedding capabilities if they run in the same WIN-OS/2 session .
25 OS/2 2.1 provides support for Windows applications with Object Linking and Embedding capabilities if they run in the same WIN-OS/2 session .
26 Where did he begin his career ? — with Banbury United , and he played in the same youth side as me .
27 He phrased it as a question , but she did n't bother dignifying it with an answer , and he continued in the same grating tone .
28 If , however , the accused threatens to beat the victim up , and he dies in the same way , the accused is not guilty of manslaughter because there is no unlawful act .
29 We also tested an unrelated human osteosarcoma-derived cell line ( 13.1 ; M.P.K. and G. Attardi , unpublished observations , and ref. 18 ) , and it behaved in the same way : the cells could be induced to undergo apoptosis by either serum deprivation or staurosporine treatment , and they were protected by transfection with bcl-2 ( not shown ) .
30 It was short , like Mr Hyde , and it moved in the same light , quick , active way .
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