Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [be] the first time " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Bennett would have a fit if she knew Celia had gone up to Beckwith 's Folly , but it was n't the first time lately that she had been overwhelmed by the desire to escape , although it was the first time she had actually done anything about it .
2 It was a look she recognised instantly , although it was the first time she 'd seen it in the flesh .
3 He says that it is the first time the Japanese governent has expressed interest in the IASC 's work .
4 Mr Jack Straw , Labour 's shadow education secretary , said last night that it was the first time in his 10 years in Parliament that responsibility for piloting such an important piece of legislation through committee had been left to such junior departmental politicians .
5 As I opened it , and looked out , I realized that it was the first time I had consciously looked out : before , I had always been hurrying by .
6 Some authorities maintained that it was the first time a single drug had been shown to be useful in controlling psychotic patients .
7 He discovered that Bob was twenty-five , four years his junior , and realised that it was the first time since his brother Joe 's marriage , when they were seventeen and twenty , that he had had a companion of roughly his own age .
8 ‘ Everyone seemed to think Benjamin was a virgin , but I never thought of him as that , but that it was the first time he was making love to a woman who was old enough to be his mother , and who was his mother 's friend . ’
9 The doctor told me that it was the first time she had made an advance to anybody .
10 Having replied Yes with much confidence in his initial request I did not think I could take two steps to the rear , so I hastened to add that the job would take me some considerable time as ti would be my spare-time/spare-time job , consoled myself with the thought that it was the first time that I had made anything to be used in a church , so it would be a challenge .
11 Preston denied this with some zest , pointing out that it was the first time he 'd thrown a punch at anyone since his days in the ring with Cobber the kangaroo .
12 Not that it was the first time they 'd been cut .
13 The fact that it was the first time in the 20th century that either of the major parties had selected an all-southern election ticket reflected the widespread belief that only by recapturing support lost to the Republicans in the south could the Democrats hope to win the presidency .
14 They ordered , sipped drinks , and Therese was conscious that it was the first time for years she had eaten a meal alone with a man .
15 And it 's the first time since you 're .
16 Now I mentioned that this was Chest Week and it 's the first time that the er Chest , Heart and Stroke Association have had a , a , a week specifically aimed at people with chest problems , or , or looking at chest problems .
17 Yesterday 's bombs are thought to have been Semtex and it is the first time outside the capital that devices have been casually placed by the road side .
18 The meeting was held in Harvey Haddon Stadium in Nottingham , and it was the first time that I had ever been on an Inter-City train .
19 Simon said , and it was the first time she had heard that name .
20 " He does n't like me very much , " I explained , and it was the first time I 'd ever realized that " It was a very sad thing not to be liked by your own father , and obviously it must be just as sad not to like your only daughter .
21 ‘ We made it up between us , ’ she said , ‘ and it was the first time ever we two met outside these walls .
22 Prior Robert , still stonily silent and shocked out of his normal studied dignity , led away his shattered clerk to the second of the two penitentiary cells ; and it was the first time , as far as Cadfael could recall , that the two had ever been occupied at the same time .
23 I thought it was interesting as well that the stuff I got from the I and R V with it , was a lot about audio description and the tape and how much it cost and how wonderful this was and it was the first time it had ever been done , but there was nothing , as is always the case , there was nothing actually about what the film was about , it was full of sort of , this is the first time it 's done , but nothing about sort of this is the film about , about this , this is what the story 's about , you know .
24 ‘ It was Sheena Hawthorne , and it was the first time we had set eyes on each other for 50 years , ’ Betty says .
25 ‘ The rallies were a spontaneous reaction to the troubles of the time and it was the first time there had been any movement like it in Northern Ireland .
26 ‘ I first came across Virginia Woolf through Orlando when I was a teenage person and it was the first time that I felt really addressed by a writer , ’ she says .
27 I once conducted a major European orchestra , a German orchestra , and I conducted the introduction Allegro of Elgar and it was the first time they 'd ever , ever played any Elgar , and they did n't like the piece .
28 When you meet somebody , especially if it is the first time of meeting , your senses are working flat out to process all the data .
29 Inevitably there is a certain amount of routine in everyone 's life and the person who lives alone also needs to establish some routine , no matter how tempting it may be to lead an unfettered existence , particularly if it is the first time you have lived on your own .
30 Thus , if it is the first time someone tells you a particular genre of joke , you may not know the appropriate type of response .
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