Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [verb] been [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 BECAUSE DUDLEY MOORE has been told to turn up at his restaurant at Venice Beach , California at 2.30 pm to tell me his version of the story of his life , then Dudley Moore more or less dudleys into his restaurant at Venice Beach , California and joins me at a corner table where I 've been waiting to hear his story .
2 I 've had before where I have been told waited and helped people finish their
3 Until then her sole performance would be as guest of honour that evening at the Eastbourne Conservative Club , where she had been asked to unveil a bust in commemoration of Dr Bodkin Adams .
4 She had no fire in her bedroom , where she had been sitting waiting for his call , and staring at the dying mistletoe .
5 Then , turning , she made way for him to enter , and went immediately to the window seat where she had been sitting wrapped in her duvet when Peter had disturbed her .
6 She killed herself on May 14 in the Beijing villa where she had been allowed to live since 1984 .
7 Vocal opposition , such as it is , has come from people who are retired from public life , who have been purged or pushed to one side by the Ceausescu leadership , or who have been forced to make do with a moral posture on key issues , registering their dissent , but no more .
8 Our next destination was the West Coast and we stopped first at Arthur 's Pass , where we 'd been invited to stay in a tramping hut but it was under repair , so we stayed in a backpackers ' .
9 Foreign scholars as well as foreign diplomats found to their surprise that where they had been led to expect barbarity , they found civilization and love of learning ; for Giovanni Ferreri , who settled in the abbey of Kinloss , close to the university of Aberdeen , Girolamo Aleandro , teacher of Greek and Hebrew at Paris , and Girolamo Cardano , physician of Milan , Scottish scholars were welcome members of the academic community of Europe .
10 The five players returned to the hotel 's night-bar , where they had been asked to calm down earlier in the night .
11 Lalande wrote of him in 1763 : ‘ Sisson has been several times in prison for failing to pay his workmen [ of whom Jesse Ramsden , q.v. , was one ] ; he starts many things and finishes nothing : he takes his instruments to the pawnbroker , where they have been seen selling for a tenth of their value .
12 Japanese car producers may have peaked in their efforts in North America , where they have been forced to raise prices and as a result have lost market share to their Detroit rivals .
13 He went back to the telephone , prompted by the recollection of an awkward scene where he had been made to feel unwelcome , a situation created by a man to whom he had taken a dislike .
14 Where he had been standing had been a turning point for cars once upon a time — when there were still cars in the world — but this had never been a place for modern things .
15 Martin had a dim recollection of a visit to a big , dark house surrounded by evergreens and of a cold , high-ceilinged hall where he had been sat to wait .
16 At half past midnight , Springfield drew the council of war to a close by pushing back his chair and standing up behind the big desk , where he had been sitting flanked by Grant and Deputy Fenton .
17 St Fachtna , in the olden days , left his precious prayer book in the grass , where he had been sitting reading it .
18 However , the social security system has played a central role in these processes as an element of government economic management , particularly where it has been used to support employment policies aimed at the exclusion of increasing numbers of older people from the labour market .
19 Every day for the last month we 've been totting the Vortec back and forth to the local office , where it has been used to run an Alpha Four Database .
20 Back at catering HQ Liz ensures that the fridges are locked , that the valves on the washing-up machines are open and that nothing has been left switched on .
21 Tolonen described Noorda 's role as one involving strategy and planning rather than day-to-day operations , adding ‘ We have a very strong group of executives — we have looked at various times at succession , ’ although no-one has been designated to succeed .
22 And went on telling him odiously about me ( one Saturday morning shopping in the Village ) and I did n't know where to look , although I 'd been wanting to meet him .
23 Keifer Sutherland , son of Donald , managed to steer clear of drugs , ‘ although I have been known to let off steam occasionally , ’ he said .
24 It 's because of that interest , and those letters , that I 've been sent to do a special report . ’
25 Now the first story that I 've been asked to tell specially comes not from this country we 'll just let our lads here get dressed because you , you knew that the story was gon na come from a very hot country did you ?
26 Because the kind of earthly and human illustrations that I 've been trying to use this morning are all bound to fall short .
27 With an instant return to sweet reasonableness , Andrée said , ‘ Admitted that I 've been trying to seduce you , does n't that only go to show how desperate I am to get my way ?
28 A sergeant appears from what a plate beside the door indicates is the dentist 's and I go up to him and tell him my name and that I 've been told to report my movements by Detective Inspector McDunn .
29 As I 've started writing to ya now , I might as well ask you some stuff that I 've been dying to ask for ages .
30 I know that something new has happened , that I 've been forced to make a connection I 've never made before .
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