Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [verb] it with [art] " in BNC.

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1 Use water wisely , putting it exactly where you want it with a Soakerhose .
2 If the horse is thumped by the farrier , or we belt it with a cane , the horse is likely to become so upset that the chances are we will never be able to shoe the horse !
3 Although I tease it with a tender rage
4 Not every day , nor as often as I would wish , but I took my middle daughter to see it yesterday and we hugged it together , and two days before that I hugged it with a friend .
5 ( One of the teachers whom I interviewed , and who did not comment on this question , has since told me that she used it with a class .
6 Once you have completed your design , you must ensure that you cover it with a sheet of glass should you have to leave it at any time .
7 Okay , so you do it with the Xs then , I did it with the numbers , that 's the easy bit .
8 MacDonald concludes with the view that non-traditional students are an advantage to higher education although they present it with a challenge .
9 The surprise here is that they did it with the best , very purest intentions , poor lambs .
10 Goodey has not looked at it satisfactorily as far as I 'm concerned and as far as many of the scheme members are concerned , I mean he has concluded that the employers are still entitled to er do what they like with the surplus , the only thing that he recommends that they do it with the approval of the regulator himself , but he the other thing that the
11 He built his dragons a garden , the most beautiful garden in the world , and although he surrounded it with an iron wall which he believed they would not cross , he made the wall beautiful for them , lavish with filigree work and sweet with hanging plants .
12 The writer discovered or was introduced to Robinson Crusoe too early , so that it appeared to be a tedious book ; Mervyn Peake 's Gormenghast trilogy appeared a little too late , so that he accepted it with a little less excitement than it deserved ; and Proust 's Remembrance of things past came at the right moment when he had the tenacity for the task .
13 Everyone sits quietly in the room and the leader draws an imaginary circle with a finger and says ‘ Here I have the wonderful magic circle and I sign it with a dot .
14 ‘ The gate 's open , ’ she said , ‘ and I wedged it with a brick . ’
15 I brought grim news , and I delivered it with a certain mournful pleasure .
16 If I hit it with the chair-back …
17 If it 's your birthday then I write a song or an ode and you share it with the whole restaurant — everyone joins in . ’
18 the one I make , I made it once and you liked it with the almonds on top
19 And you measured it with a protractor ,
20 ‘ She has been the target of such spite that it disgraces those who offer it , and she bears it with a dignity that makes me proud , ’ he said as Mrs Kinnock stood behind him , smiling but with tears in her eyes .
21 A thick , choking smoke arose but the rug began to burn and she dropped it with a cry .
22 Lipstick lasts longer if you apply it with a lipbrush . ’
23 If you thrash a horse it will hurt but if you touch it with a whip it 's a tactile thing which is far less than a horse nudging another one
24 Well if you did it with a small brush ?
25 Erm a steel pan , if you hit it with a hammer , it 'll dent .
26 Or if you leave it with a neighbour then we 've got a calling card to say thought you might like it early
27 Yet for a long time the Cult of Pleasure was respectable and none connected it with the hidden worship of Chaos .
28 One is not really aware of the pain as being in a certain place ; one is aware of the pain , and one connects it with a certain place , rather as one connects different sorts of sensations with different sorts of malady — rheumatism , indigestion , and so on .
29 Well , I mean , if we , if we did it with the free ferry , and there 's a possibility we might be able to get fairly cheap accommodation if we drove over there and stayed .
30 It is perhaps possible to recognize traces of the version of Nicolas of Damascus in the account of Josephus in Bellum Judaicum 1 if we compare it with the much more elaborate story told by Josephus in his Antiquitates Judaicae .
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