Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [vb base] and [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Licking honey from around their lips , blowing bubbles , blowing through a straw into water are all games that children enjoy and help this area of development .
2 In fact it must be considered that predators kill and eat other predators ( Mikkola , 1976 ) .
3 Such an interpenetration of analysts ' and actors ' theorising does not , of course , imply that spokesmen read and use sociological works ; some may do , but most probably do not .
4 Labelling , therefore , refers to the process by which individuals and groups classify and categorise social behaviour and other individuals .
5 students and pensioners check and balance each other in the pursuit of their own ends .
6 The theory seems to have a middle class bias in that it assumes that all criminal and rule-breakers accept and cherish middle-class goals , but many delinquent activities do not appear to be aiming for material gains .
7 I have seen men and women betray and kill each other without batting an eyelid .
8 As districts merge and form larger purchasing organisations and the overall variability between health authorities is reduced due to averaging , so increasing amounts of the variation will be contained within authorities and therefore beyond the reach of resource allocation formulas despite the devolution reflected in locality planning .
9 P. W. Conolly , when District Judge at Negombo , wrote that ‘ when parties quarrel and assault each other , it is no uncommon thing for the person who has got the best of the struggle to have an animal brought to the spot , and a charge of cattle stealing is preferred against the unfortunate man who has been assaulted . ’
10 The basic two-way branching structure is always there , but it is easily smothered as lines cross and recross one another , making solid masses of colour ( only black and white in the printed pictures ) .
11 These judgements take no account of the intake characteristics of particular schools , though HMI collect and report such data as social class and verbal reasoning scores at intake .
12 The reason I went into physics and what I try to inculcate is that the ideas themselves are interesting and that seems to me to be the main justification for it , so that when people try and justify scientific research by saying it 's good for the economy , the country and so on , or who knows what applications are going to come of it , I 'm inclined to sit rather quietly when that 's said because I 'm not convinced that some of the research that is done nowadays can have any practical application at all in that direct sense .
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