Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [vb past] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 What would be the effect of changing the public policy insofar as it constitutes a social guide to the conditions in which individuals or groups chose from the possible adjustments ?
2 No trace of the plage de l'Arsenal , where Camus glimpsed for the first time the beauty of the Mediterranean .
3 Coopers & Lybrand worked on the first study in conjunction with Samuel Montagu , the merchant bank which is handling the sale on behalf of the Government .
4 Subsequently , iron ore was also mined at Boulby , and the foundations of a shanty town of corrugated iron huts , locally nicknamed ‘ Tin City ’ , remain where miners lived until the 1930s .
5 Many of the current members joined up after catching one of the club 's many demonstrations , or parents came to the Royal Commonwealth Pool to see what their kids were actually up to — and stayed .
6 An Armenian whose family came from Erzerum or Kars is neighbour to other Armenians whose parents or grandparents came from the same towns , just as Palestinians from Haifa — or from Mrs Zamzam 's village of Um Al-Farajh — now live in refugee camps next to those whose homes were in the same places , sometimes in the very same streets , in what was Palestine .
7 Eventually , we arrived at a small , damp valley , peat and heather-filled , where insects hummed in the still air .
8 Then incubate the embryos at room temperature for 15–30 min in the second layer ( an FITC- or TMRTC-conjugated antibody or IgG directed against the first antibody ) diluted appropriately in M2 .
9 Todd & Duncan benefited from the increased demand for cashmere and , backed by the strongest stock service in the industry , quality driven investment and new impetus in product development , made substantial overseas progress which should be maintained in 1993/94 .
10 Despite all her caution , her wriggling movements made Water Gypsy sway a little at her moorings , and once or twice she stopped and held her breath , but no movement or challenge came from the narrow boat 's main cabin .
11 In fact , the area would increase whenever matter or radiation fell into the black hole ( Fig. 7.2 ) .
12 Despite her long exile , she remained deeply attached to the Episcopalian church , raising her children to love both the Bible and Savannah , where roses blossomed in the dead of winter .
13 Most of this capacity was in the Khuzestan area , where prospecting began in the early years of this century , culminating in the discovery in 1908 of the first of a cluster of oil-bearing structures identified in a northwest-southeast trend on a flank of the Zagros mountain range .
14 Cell extracts ( 0.3μg protein per assay ) from non-transfected cells ( control ) or cells transfected with the indicated plasmid DNAs were incubated in the absence or presence of βγ t ( 2μM ) with phospholipid vesicles containing PtdInsP 2 .
15 To a large extent that ideology looked to the Roman past .
16 The title ‘ administrative criminology ’ is of significance in that it is the title that Vold gave to the classical criminology of Beccaria and Bentham ( as we saw in Chapter 1 ) .
17 There can be little doubt that Nizan departed for the Soviet Union in January 1934 in a crusading spirit .
18 The moral justice that Nizan attributed to the Soviet state was heightened by the rise of fascism on the international scene , by the need for a popular front anti-fascist movement .
19 So blackly venomous was his expression that Perdita fled towards the next pitch , scattering the polo balls which lay like a hatch of goose eggs near the goal posts .
20 Even ITN has had to turn to CNN for some footage of the Gulf , but that does n't cause Phillis any problems : ‘ I 'm a great admirer — Turner 's done a marvellous job , ’ adding that while the US network has received plaudits for its Gulf coverage , it is merely returning the coverage that ITN provided of the Conservative leadership contest .
21 It is significant that Kerschensteiner insisted on the practical and the theoretical being part of the same syllabus , with the former leading on to an appreciation of the latter : it meant that ‘ civic virtues ’ had to be practised in order for them to become meaningful .
22 This is because when the tetrads that Michell found on the one-inch map are investigated on a 6-inch sheet , they become distressingly ‘ crooked ’ .
23 The USSR became India 's main external source of weaponry and rendered extensive economic aid ; Soviet support was in part a response to the support that Pakistan received from the Chinese , with whom the Indians had an unresolved border dispute .
24 The two examples that Picasso owned on the other hand could certainly be called primitive , both in conception and execution .
25 The research now available shows that crime tripled between the two world wars , particularly at the time of the great depression .
26 The general view , extending to some members of the RCM , held that refugees belonged to the lower orders , and that no amount of hard work or intellectual promise on their part could alter their self-evident assumption .
27 It has become increasingly apparent that Thomson belonged to the American experimental tradition .
28 The three-year period , for example , between the death of Eorpwald and the accession of Sigeberht , could signify that Sigeberht succeeded in the third year after Eorpwald 's assassination .
29 Although texts devoted to the human impact ( e.g. Goudie , 1981b ; Gregory and Walling 1979 ) and those devoted to branches of physical geography have not yet emphasized urban physical geography , claims have been made by some writers that the urban environment is sufficiently distinctive to warrant attention as a specific milieu .
30 He puts the success down to the science strategies that NERC adopted in the 1987–89 period , while the new resources gained in 1988 and 1989 are ‘ now bearing scientific fruit ’ .
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