Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [vb past] [verb] the same " in BNC.

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1 She felt a sudden uncomfortable twist in her stomach , and she could sense that Jake had felt the same .
2 I began to imagine that the landlord , being about to emigrate , might murder us to get our money … ’ and claims that Johnson had entertained the same fears , although Johnson never mentions such thoughts .
3 At that time it was still believed that Mercury did keep the same face to the Sun , and therefore this temperature was used to support the idea that Mercury had an atmosphere , because such an atmosphere would transport heat around from the Sun-facing side , thus raising the night-side temperature .
4 When Laura complained at breaktime that Peter had done the same again , pushing her towards the broken tiles which had recently been blown off the junior hall roof , Janice felt that Peter needed to be shown that what he had done was dangerous and unacceptable .
5 But whereas the year before the absence of yellowing was proof that Britain did not have the same forest decline as in Europe , its discovery did not show that Britain did have the same forest decline .
6 News that standards had stayed the same or actually fell in several instances is pretty alarming , especially the apparent deterioration in reading skills among less able pupils .
7 Hubert wanted to tramp across as many mountains as possible , and he assumed that Barbara wanted to do the same .
8 ‘ There was a feeling of disappointment that we were held to a draw in Bruges and the atmosphere in the dressing room at the Olympiastadion only lifted after we heard that Marseille had suffered the same result against CSKA , ’ said McCall .
9 ‘ Did anyone know that Mowbray had received the same warning as Sir Ralph ? ’
10 The social groups C2DE still make up 57 per cent of the electorate ; if Labour had enjoyed the same dominance among these voters as do the Tories in social groups ABC1 , they would have swept to power with a big majority .
11 Hawthorn and oak had colonised the same embankment .
12 Whatever the nature of their relationship , it was clear that husband and wife had shared the same flat .
13 A word gets around the famine is over and after the tragic experience of loosing her family , her three men in her life , her husband and her sons , nobody starts to consider the situation again , she 's alone now in a foreign , a strange land , surely the only sensible thing for her to do would be to return to her own people in Bethlehem , they say news comes through that they 've been a succession of good harvest , well of course there was gon na be good harvest , god had n't forsaken his people , although they had sinned , although they had done what was wrong , he had n't forsaken them , gods not in the business for forsaken people , he 's long suffering , he is faithful , he keeps his covenant from one generation to another that he had n't forgotten the people in Bethlehem and he had sent them through and he had provided good harvests those who had remained in Bethlehem during the famine , they 'd only suffered for a short time , perhaps enough time to bring them to their senses , to bring them back to god , now the suffering was forgotten as they revelled in a plentiful supplying in abundant harvests Naomi on the other hand she knows want now , she 's suffering bereavement , she 's suffering poverty , she 's suffering remorse , there 's nothing for her in Noad , there 's no rest , no joy , no provision , nothing that could meet her needs what a pity she had wasted there those ten wasted those ten years , ten long wasted years in her life now she comes to a decision whatever the cost and there is a cost , she 's gon na have to eat humble pie , how are they gon na receive her when she goes back but she comes to that decision that no matter what it costs her , she will go back to the place that was chosen for her by god , her inheritance of him It always to our cost when we under value our inheritance , do you remember the story of Jacob and Aesop and how Aesop despised his birth right , the inheritance that was his , and Illuminarc and Naomi had done the same , and you and I can do it so easily , leaving , forgetting , not entering in to the inheritance that is ours in Christ , we do it to our own costs , and so she goes through that I 'm gon na go back , I 'm gon na take up my inheritance , I 'm going back home .
14 The irony of the position described by my hon. Friend the Member for Makerfield ( Mr. McCartney ) is that , if Wigan had received the same amount in grant as was received by Wandsworth and Westminster in the year in which it was capped , it would not have had to levy a tax at all ; indeed , it might have been able to give money back from the previous year 's levy .
15 So if Luke had contracted the same strain it might explain why he could n't phone her —
16 He had already become dependent on Richard Arkwright [ q.v. ] for funds ( a loan of £10,000 in 1788 ) but the prosperity of muslins now evaporated , while Oldknow failed to achieve the same mastery of technical perfection in fine-cotton spinning .
17 Six weeks before the October general election , figures in mid-September showed that inflation had dropped sharply in August , rising only 0.2 per cent , while unemployment had fallen the same month to 16.6 per cent of the active workforce , the lowest level since 1982 .
18 They , indeed , were the first animals to master flight and they did so some two hundred million years before birds managed to do the same thing .
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