Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [noun prp] [vb base] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 Marguerite Duras 's L'Amant and La Douleur bear witness to real , historical events ; indeed , her fiction as a whole is particularly susceptible to politicizing readings because of the presence of feminist and colonial concerns .
2 The Twickenham crowd will certainly hold their breath when he and Mick Skinner meet face to face in action .
3 C : So on the overseas-darkie-star issue , suddenly you and Fred Trueman see eye to eye ?
4 A small tidal range : the Mediterranean , Black Sea and Caspian Sea bear witness to this in the Nile , Rhone , Po , Danube and Volga deltas .
5 ‘ He , Mr. Reynolds and Paul Newman see eye to eye , especially on the question of support for the camp project , and it would be an ideal occasion for such a visit . ’
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