Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 But a commission appointed in June 1246 found that a number of foresters of fee had in fact disposed of all or part of the lands they held by service of keeping their forest bailiwicks .
2 The teacher with less severely visually impaired pupils already in the class who faces the prospect of receiving pupils with more severe visual disabilities will want to consider practical and immediate strategies to mitigate problems of social acceptance and to reduce or eliminate cruel teasing or isolation of the pupils who have defective vision .
3 Also known as Alphabet City , or Loisaida to the Hispanics whose numbers dominate the area , it lies a few blocks north of Little Italy , the spiritual home of the Mafia , and a few blocks south of the East Village , where New York beatniks gave birth to our modern global drug subculture .
4 ‘ no steps were taken [ by the clerk ] to ensure that either of the defendants was aware of the nature or effect of the documents they were signing , and no suggestion was made to them that independent legal advice ought to be sought .
5 Although useful information , this demonstrates nothing about either the quality or quantity of the services they provide .
6 Instead , associative strength becomes attached to the object and can , in the present case , only trigger approach or avoidance of the landmarks themselves ( the phenomenon of autoshaping ) .
7 For Merton , such behaviour occurs as a result of a discrepancy or contradiction between the aspirations which society has socialised into its members ( the ends or goals ) and the way that is provided for the realisation of such aspirations ( the means ) .
8 If it is hard to generalize about the pattern of farming , it is no easier to summarize the resources or standing of the men who worked on the land .
9 ‘ It is to be noted in the instant case that no suggestion was made by defence counsel that there was any discrepancy or inconsistency between the evidences which the witnesses had given in court and the statements given to the police .
10 Definitions are useful only in so far as they encapsulate a particular conception or theory of the phenomena one wishes to study .
11 Of course there will be howls of protest from the synodical activists and the liberal establishment , but the man or woman in the pews who are the real Church of England will thank you for it .
12 This conflict inventory could help you to see whether there are any patterns or connections to the concerns you have found most difficult , both past and present .
13 Much of the law of the Church was not declared or made in councils but consisted of the statements or utterances of the popes which were known as decretals ( later encyclicals ) .
14 He was surprised , since for all Boy 's nights out , during which , as the man correctly assumed , Boy had sex with many different men , he never received visits , calls or letters from the men he had been sleeping with .
15 On occasion , the need to separate and the guilt about it may be the focus of work ; more often , it will be to validate and confirm the spouse or partner in the activities which they are performing .
16 There can be no transfer of any surplus , for as soon as one candidate has more than 50% of the votes he is declared elected .
17 In practice , as we have seen above , it may be people 's own anticipation of lender distaste for these circumstances , rather than decision by the lenders themselves , which dumps people in this credit ghetto .
18 There is no doubt that investment in the companies which have gone private has increased , sometimes substantially .
19 The press has for some years played up the problems of UK financial reporting and has exaggerated the extent to which those problems derived from weak enforcement of standards rather than defects in the standards themselves .
20 Naville is more cautious than Mallet in the conclusions he draws from his analysis about the extent of conflict with management likely to be brought about as a result of extensive use of such automated technology .
21 If forced to stop testing , the nuclear powers could probably get by without further testing for safety and reliability of the weapons they keep , though that would add to the nuclear risks , especially in less safety-conscious Russia and China .
22 Objections to the proposals essentially turn on the terms under which any devolution would take place , and the question of the competence and reliability of the organisations which would be taking on responsibility for the sites .
23 The behavioural specialists are responsible for providing data and attitudes for the policy-makers which should redress the balance .
24 The humanity and realism expressed in the faces and attitudes of the figures which decorate the doorway are in contrast to the stylised figures of the earlier Romanesque carvings .
25 Just as those who at the pre-school stage help children to learn to read know that a structured effort to consolidate all the skills connected with reading will be made in the primary school itself , so teachers in primary schools need to know what will be built on the skills , knowledge , interests and attitudes of the children whom they will pass on to the next stage .
26 These computer systems , which are intended to emulate the thought processes , analytical reasoning and advice of experts , contain a great deal of skill and expertise within the systems themselves .
27 David Hopper , General Secretary of the National Union of Mineworkers North-East area , said the store would completely destroy the environment and views for the women who stay at the union 's Sam Watson Rest Home , which overlooks the site .
28 The guardians proposed that the Borough would contribute a quarter of the cost of the building and payment for the patients they sent .
29 ‘ College men ’ or ‘ academics ’ are considered to be potentially dangerous and polluting because of their limited understanding of the ‘ polis 's ’ real world ; for they never stay long enough to experience the depth and complexities of the activities which lend him his ‘ special knowledge ’ .
30 While the theme of loss of interest in life , linked to Cornford 's pointing to the continual presence of phallic songs and rituals in the comedies he studied , combine in the crude punning that ensues .
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