Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 But a commission appointed in June 1246 found that a number of foresters of fee had in fact disposed of all or part of the lands they held by service of keeping their forest bailiwicks .
2 ‘ no steps were taken [ by the clerk ] to ensure that either of the defendants was aware of the nature or effect of the documents they were signing , and no suggestion was made to them that independent legal advice ought to be sought .
3 Although useful information , this demonstrates nothing about either the quality or quantity of the services they provide .
4 This conflict inventory could help you to see whether there are any patterns or connections to the concerns you have found most difficult , both past and present .
5 He was surprised , since for all Boy 's nights out , during which , as the man correctly assumed , Boy had sex with many different men , he never received visits , calls or letters from the men he had been sleeping with .
6 There can be no transfer of any surplus , for as soon as one candidate has more than 50% of the votes he is declared elected .
7 Naville is more cautious than Mallet in the conclusions he draws from his analysis about the extent of conflict with management likely to be brought about as a result of extensive use of such automated technology .
8 If forced to stop testing , the nuclear powers could probably get by without further testing for safety and reliability of the weapons they keep , though that would add to the nuclear risks , especially in less safety-conscious Russia and China .
9 The guardians proposed that the Borough would contribute a quarter of the cost of the building and payment for the patients they sent .
10 While the theme of loss of interest in life , linked to Cornford 's pointing to the continual presence of phallic songs and rituals in the comedies he studied , combine in the crude punning that ensues .
11 16.47 Within this continuous assessment , the teacher 's structured observation should have regard to all the strands in the attainment target and should look for children 's growing confidence and independence as readers ; the ways they read aloud ; the reading and information-retrieval strategies they employ ; their responses to reading ; and the range and difficulty of the texts they are able to handle and comprehend .
12 The mixture between cajun , bluegrass and boogie styles was almost seamless and all gained from the five musicians ' vigour and enthusiasm for the songs they were playing .
13 The writers and compilers of the stories we have been looking at in this chapter knew that .
14 In significant respects both differed on what a study of human society might look like , and both made strenuous and hard-won efforts to carry through their respective conceptions through argument and research into the phenomena they tried to identify as sociology 's subject matter .
15 Any such attempt has to look closely at their chastened but ultimately unchastenable hero , at his hostility , at his stylistic authority and command of the books he belongs to .
16 Broken Promise is a collection of vivid personal accounts by ‘ endangered children ’ — and it conveys the reality and universality of the problems they face better than a hundred or more straight world development textbooks .
17 You must understand the habits and characteristics of the crops you plan to grow and how they can best be fitted to the potential of your land .
18 The popularity of these programmes among the section police in Easton is both cause and effect of the evaluations they make of their work .
19 The bank undertook to arrange for the necessary documents to be drawn up and the manager gave instructions that both the husband and the wife were to be made aware of the nature and effect of the documents they would sign , and that the wife should be advised to take legal advice if she had any doubts about them .
20 There follows two pages from Erica at the ABON LANGUAGE SCHOOL : giving list of names and addresses of the students you 'll be collecting tomorrow morning .
21 After the Southern Uplands of Scotland he had had to pass near to another industrial city and one quite as grim and dark as the others he had seen .
22 Ivy drove steadily but not too fast , and thanks to the pills he had taken Zen was not worried about the prospect of nausea .
23 Free from the forests and swamps of the lowlands they would have been the most healthy as well as the most defensible homesteads for prehistoric man .
24 He had felt distress and pity for the sufferings he had seen about him , but they had not struck home to his heart as seeing McAllister brought so low had done .
25 Mr Clinton added that the number and range of the decisions he would have to take was ‘ mind-boggling ’ .
26 I ran two personal bests , 10.33 seconds for the 100 metres and 20.79 seconds for the 200 , which was further encouragement for me and compensation for the traumas I had suffered on the West London track throughout the long , cold , seemingly never-ending winter .
27 The main remedy for an aggrieved purchaser would be to seek an injunction within the exclusivity period and compensation for the costs it incurred .
28 They have been selected for the quality of their objectives and will involve working in partnership with geographers , conservationists and ecologists in the countries they visit .
29 This places the Library-College movement somewhere along the road that leads to the free-schoolers and de-schoolers , which will strike the reader as odd considering the sophistication and media-centredness of the facilities they envisage .
30 Teaching needs to be discussed in a much more rounded and comprehensive way , with far less emphasis on surface aspects like display and resources ; far more emphasis should be placed on the character of the minute-to-minute encounters which children have with teachers and each other , on the precise nature and purposes of the tasks they are given and The activities they undertake , and on the relationship of these and other aspects of the practice of teaching to learning .
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