Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [verb] at [det] time " in BNC.

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1 Where value has at any time been given for a bill the holder is deemed to be a holder for value as regards the acceptor and all parties to the bill who became parties prior to such time .
2 It is true that elephants existed at that time in the extreme south of China , but the fact that Fu Hao 's cup was studded with turquoise points to India as a possible source .
3 The information would remain in the computer 's memory and copies taken at any time .
4 When the Cullinan diamond of 3,106 carats was recovered from the Premier Mine , Pretoria , its size and quality ensured at that time only one destination , the regalia of the king-emperor .
5 This may have been caused by the heating and lighting used at that time , or perhaps modern communications plus far better fire fighting methods available today ensure that incidents are tackled much more quickly .
6 Many of the institutions and practices established at this time remained intact until the twentieth century .
7 Vietnam and the UK had signed an agreement in principle on forced repatriation on Oct. 29 , 1991 [ see p. 38531 ] , but Vietnam had at that time only agreed to immediate repatriation of new arrivals and so-called " double-backers " — people who had fled to the colony a second time .
8 They were good value , because they were in a style that he could wear anywhere and they were strong enough for all his walking and kept his feet from being bruised on the city pavements , for when you walk as much and as far as Boy did at that time you can hurt your feet badly .
9 Although , as Beaumanoir stated at this time , the magnates were ‘ sovereigns within their baronies ’ , they were supposed to execute the crown 's ordinances — which often meant that they anticipated royal legislation by legislating in their own name for their own domains .
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