Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [verb] with [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The 1991 figure of 585 casualties shows a marked reduction of 65 or 10% compared with the 1990 total of 650 casualties .
2 He 'd been shown to the interview room where Scott sat with a uniformed officer close by the door .
3 However , if in addition to the sole accounts you operate a joint a joint current or savings account with the same bank or building society , you should check from the outset whether the terms and conditions include a right of set off , whereby funds on these accounts may be required to repay the debt on others held by you or your partner .
4 A named community , village , town , church or school in the UK or Ireland linking with a named community , village , town , project area or institution in the Third World , both in partnership with Christian Aid , having a link with the purpose of learning more about each other .
5 Then run a piece of plastic or wood finished with a smooth , small radius around the edge and leave the excess to cure .
6 Illegality meant that the decision-maker must understand correctly the law that regulates his power and must give effect to it ; irrationality connoted Wednesbury unreasonableness ; and procedural impropriety covered a breach of natural justice or failure to comply with the procedural rules in the enabling legislation .
7 Since the regime began , the English Institute has withdrawn registration from nine firms , usually as a result of lack of fit and proper status , lack of technical competence or failure to comply with the PII regulations .
8 Both the Doppler broadening and the density of lines in the spectrum can be dramatically reduced by nozzle-beam expansion , where a jet of gas , either pure sample or sample mixed with an inert gas diluent , is allowed to expand through a nozzle into an evacuated chamber at supersonic velocity .
9 ( The mildly mathematically-minded reader will appreciate that if only four genes are considered , each providing a simple alternative — as if all children were blue eyed or brown eyed with no other variation — the number of individuals of different characteristics possible would be 27 .
10 Basically , you can link the RP50 up to the headphone output of a cassette player or CD equipped with the appropriate mini-jack .
11 But none , I assure you , of an age or inclination to elope with an adolescent foreigner !
12 A salad certainly does n't have to be made of lettuce ; but it should be mainly composed of vegetables or greens dressed with a complimentary sauce .
13 A mistake in the choice of equipment or software coupled with a poor contract can be disastrous for a purchasing company .
14 Almost a third of a mile of ‘ 00 ’ gauge track — equivalent to 25 miles — plus a stunning ‘ N ’ gauge model of a Bavarian town where time flies with a dramatic change of lighting from day to night every 3 minutes .
15 Cell extracts ( 0.3μg protein per assay ) from non-transfected cells ( control ) or cells transfected with the indicated plasmid DNAs were incubated in the absence or presence of βγ t ( 2μM ) with phospholipid vesicles containing PtdInsP 2 .
16 Once new laws have been passed , workplace action is needed to ensure that employers comply with the new legislation .
17 Although Hawke prevailed with a substantial majority , most political commentators believed that it was a pyrrhic victory which had left him considerably weakened and vulnerable to a future challenge .
18 A research study from Cyprus showed that potatoes treated with a certain insecticide still contained a residue of 10 per cent ( 0.55mg per kg ) in the skin after 16 weeks of storage .
19 Suppose that banks operate with a desired ratio , , of reserves to deposit liabilities , ‘ the deposit ratio ’ and that the public holds a desired ratio , , of notes and coin to its deposits , ‘ the cash ratio ’
20 Workers ' preferences or attitudes are also unchanged , but it is the wage net of tax that workers compare with the marginal value of their leisure in deciding how much labour to supply .
21 In particular that fireworks comply with the British Standard that people register that they are keeping fireworks retailers and wholesalers so that we can go and inspect the storage conditions er and that people obey the law by not selling fireworks to people under the age of sixteen .
22 To experience joy in suffering is to realize that Jesus stands with the poor , the underprivileged , and those , like Francis of Assisi , rejected by their own people .
23 Thus , since neither the registry nor persons dealing with the registered estate can have notice of any trust a release by one joint tenant to another is inappropriate ( in contrast to unregistered conveyancing ) to transfer the registered estate , and a transfer from the husband and the wife to the wife alone is the appropriate document .
24 ( J. Harris 1984 : 316 ) The general conclusion is that problems associated with the semantic equivalence issue are compounded in an analysis of variation between standard and non-standard forms .
25 Firstly , spurious makes of knives can vary in weight by more than 40g compared with the recommended ones .
26 It needs a foundation not only of shared values but also of shared experience , so that people identify with the political system to which they belong , and can trust its procedures and their outcomes .
27 There are 77 airlines at Heathrow and the Government expect them to act as immigration officials to ensure that people arrive with the right documentation .
28 It was only at this point that CNN complied with the restraining order and ceased broadcasting excerpts from the tapes pending an appeal to the Supreme Court .
29 In a union in which both the lobon-gur solution and the rice-salt solution had been taught , LGS was also preferred over the rice-salt therapy , despite the recognition by the mothers of the fact that children treated with the latter recovered from diarrhoea and vomiting more quickly than those treated with LGS .
30 On the other hand , you may find that others interfere with the smooth running of your love life .
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