Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [verb] to [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Documents prepared by the solicitor for his or her own benefit or protection belong to that solicitor ; so do documents sent by the client , which are intended to pass to him or her .
2 There were eighty-eight photos or illustrations relating to this court case and the aftermath , virtually equalling the number found for all the other rape cases in the year .
3 Adult education classes can increase skills in subjects like photograph , badminton , or a language , often leading to joining a club or group devoted to that interest .
4 " Capital sum " for these purposes has the same meaning as in s677. ( b ) Associated payments In relation to any capital sum paid to the settlor by a body corporate the expression " associated payment " means : ( i ) any capital sum paid to that body by the trustees of the settlement ; and ( ii ) any other sum paid or asset transferred to that body by those trustees which is not paid or transferred for full consideration in money or money 's worth being a sum paid or asset transferred in the five years ending or beginning with the date on which the capital sum is paid to the settlor ( s678(3) ) .
5 There was no pool of academics or professionals contributing to this talk ; it was a speech very much from the heart , and the thoughts expressed — mocked by the tabloids , needless to say , as philosophical ramblings — are still very relevant today .
6 This second step was the unexpected and startling discovery that the level of responsibility in any organizational role — whether a manager 's or an individual contributor 's — can be objectively measured in terms of the target completion time of the longest task , project or program assigned to that role .
7 ( 2 ) Subject to para ( 3 ) ( below ) , the parties must make discovery by serving lists of documents and ; ( a ) subject to sub-para ( c ) , each party must make and serve on every other party a list of documents which are or have been in his possession , custody or power relating to any matter in question between them in the action ; ( b ) the court may , on application ; ( i ) order that discovery under this paragraph shall be limited to such documents or classes of documents only , or as to such only of the matters in question , as may be specified in the order , or ( ii ) if satisfied that discovery by all or any of the parties is not necessary , order that there shall be no discovery of documents by any or all of the parties ; and the court shall make such an order if and so far as it is of opinion that discovery is not necessary either for disposing fairly of the action or for saving costs ; ( c ) where liability is admitted or in an action for personal injuries arising out of a road accident , discovery shall be limited to disclosure of any documents relating to the amount of damages ; ( d ) the provisions of Ord 14 of these rules relating to inspection of documents shall apply where discovery is made under this paragraph as it applies where discovery is made under that Order .
8 To avoid having to place soft material under the feet of a loft ladder every time it 's used , stick a small piece of foam rubber or carpet underlay to each foot of the ladder .
9 What they told me was that people come to this country impersonating other people , get a passport and then pretend they 're British .
10 But we know that people disagree to some extent about the right principles of behaviour , so we distinguish that requirement from the different ( and weaker ) requirement that they act in important matters with integrity , that is , according to convictions that inform and shape their lives as a whole , rather than capriciously or whimsically .
11 However , many , beginning with Emile Durkheim , believe that society approximates to this model .
12 The importance that government attach to this link between subject match and teaching quality is further emphasized by their announced intentions to take subject qualifications into account in the selection of student teachers , to consider the relevance of students ' subject qualifications to school subject teaching in their procedures for approving or ‘ accrediting ’ teacher-training courses , and to undertake five-yearly reviews of selected secondary schools to ensure that subject match is being improved within them and being reflected in the pattern of teacher appointments .
13 Observing the way that humans respond to each other is one thing ; interpreting those observations to give a useful insight into human social behaviour is more difficult
14 Effective integration and team building by education business members can be helped or hindered by the significance that partnerships apply to this process .
15 One of these , intriguingly , was the non-existent Board of Magistrates for the Petty Sessions of Heaton Norris : the Charity Commissioners had been rather concerned , during the drafting of the Scheme , that letters addressed to this body were never answered , but pressed on with its inclusion regardless .
16 The squad of operating managers that GE sends to each model company is kept small — typically no more than ten people per visit .
17 Somewhere , there must be the remains , of not only a Roman bathing establishment , but also a temple and sanctuary dedicated to this goddess .
18 We came here because our brother and sister went to this school .
19 Him and Gary went to that Market over in Tucker .
20 Government spending is determined by government policy and investment depends to some extent on the rate of interest ( which for now does not appear in the model ) and businessmen 's expectations .
21 After the wedding he and Margaret and Macnab moved to another flat , in Onslow Gardens , South Kensington , where the two men issued a prospectus and set themselves up as private tutors .
22 We can study in detail how the complementary descriptions of position and momentum relate to each other .
23 The logical consequence , no doubt , is that a promise to accept a smaller sum in discharge of a larger sum , if acted upon , is binding notwithstanding the absence of consideration : and if the fusion of law and equity leads to this result , so much the better .
24 The risk factors for osteoporosis are well known , yet despite its prevalence — perhaps 25 per cent of women are at risk of osteoporotic fractures — and the severe consequences of such fractures , little priority is currently attached to developing preventive and screening approaches to this condition .
25 Deciding which measures to implement needs to be based on detailed knowledge of the emissions which power stations , traffic , homes and industry contribute to each pollutant .
26 It would have taken no additional effort to assemble a selection representative of the period and presenting a new view of many leading artists ' activities and styles applied to this medium .
27 How could the undiluted works of Kautsky and Engels appeal to this audience at a time when even party members at lower levels rarely understood the meaning of such concrete words as ‘ official ’ , ‘ categorical ’ , ‘ Plenum ’ , ‘ memorandum ’ , or ‘ territory ’ ?
28 Thus , our holiday video turns out to be a series of boxes within boxes , of shots related to each other within sequences , and sequences related to each other within an overall structure which has to be made clear to the audience .
29 This sad cycle of drought , deforestation and desertification continues to this day as the Sahara grows year by year .
30 Ken and Orton related to each other , not just because of their similar sexual proclivities but because of their backgrounds .
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