Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [verb] [pron] to the " in BNC.

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1 Stars of stage , screen & radio welcome you to the ‘ World of Entertainment ’ .
2 We had no friends or family to accompany us to the church .
3 Then , on one wonderful day , it became the key to that magic box where infinity welcomed her to the crystal harmony of the spheres .
4 In another case it will mean that the writer creates his own special kind of language : and it is in this sense that Halliday applies it to the Neanderthal language of The Inheritors .
5 It was already half full with stagnant rain water , so Mildred filled it to the brim , then carried it back to the yard window-sill , collecting her broomstick on the way .
6 We believe that farmers should take an increased interest now in these matters because the erm general public are concerned about the rising instance of pollution and I think that farmers owe it to the remainder of the community to come to places like Muck '89 and see for themselves exactly what new machinery is available to combat pollution .
7 The fact , however , that Britain linked herself to the German economy through the ERM meant that , far from conducting the opposite policies to Germany 's — which it would have been in her real interest to do — she had to follow suit .
8 As Niki rightly points out , that year proved something to the whole of FI .
9 Although history dates it to the Golden Age of Magna Graecia , some of the region 's most glorious monuments date from the time of Byzantium and Norman rule .
10 This coexistence of change and resistance owes something to the limits set by nature .
11 And Miss gives it to the student in n it ?
12 When she was leaving , John reappeared and he and Sarah accompanied her to the corner of Magdalen Street .
13 She confessed that the bitter jibes and over-exposure led her to the precipice .
14 It was just coming up to three o'clock when the taxi dropped them off in the old town square and Ven guided her to the old town hall where , with barely a minute to go before the run-through of the astronomical clock , Fabia stood in rapt attention .
15 Yeah , having some dinner , well we did n't have any did we , cos mummy took you to the pictures with nanny
16 They climbed one wall to get away from the car and waited for their eyes and ears to tune themselves to the darkness .
17 Their leaves , stems and branches orientate themselves to the light , while their roots seek out minerals and water .
18 My turn came and Lobsang coaxed me to the edge .
19 She often used to say she could n't believe how some people behaved , and the promiscuity and drinking shook her to the core .
20 French and Ukrainian , mathematics and chemistry bored him to the point of insanity ; only in music and English could he hope to get decent marks .
21 Joe returned the warm plates of food to the table , and Dolly helped herself to the mint sauce .
22 At ten Lily left and Adam escorted her to the door .
23 Mann said it could be done and Denega drove him to the chapel to see ‘ if the small cracks in the facade could be enlarged ’ .
24 The regional tourist boards should now be strongly supporting the need for the national framework , for guidance and assistance that can only come from a central body — yet they dare not speak too loudly for fear that their reduced funding will be cut even further if DoNH reallocates it to the national level .
25 George nodded and Tippy brought them to the bed and handed them to him .
26 Blood tests revealed Louise 's haemoglobin level was down and doctors referred her to the local hospital .
27 So we went to the locker-room of Portmarnock and Peter introduced me to the great Arnold Palmer .
28 And that there were tourists is shown by Jane Austen in Pride and Prejudice , published finally in 1813 but mainly written in 1796 : in it Elizabeth Bennet is invited by her aunt and uncle to accompany them to the Lakes , and exclaims : ‘ My dear , dear aunt , what delight !
29 Fox arrived with an assistant and Wycliffe took him to the vandalized room .
30 Eventually Lady Laetitia and Tick made it to the minstrels ' gallery .
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