Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [verb] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This may partly explain why a speaker or writer opts for a marked theme in a given context .
2 Example 2:10 Right to use passenger lift The right at all times in connection with the use of the demised property ( but not otherwise ) to use the lifts in the building for the carriage of passengers only and their hand luggage provided that the landlord shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused by a temporary failure of the lifts .
3 Disputes under them are to be referred to arbitration , where contracts made on a particular exchange are in issue , and otherwise to the English courts .
4 Another factor which can have quite a major bearing on your approach is whether your video is to be edited in camera , that is recorded in the final shot order , or post-production edited into a different shot order on a copy tape .
5 In the structure of water the basic components or molecules exist in a free flowing state loosely bound together by forces of mutual attraction .
6 Then she lit him up the stairs , and went before him into the panelled solar , where Rhodri rose from a tall chair by the fire to receive him .
7 Brassicas , for example , can then be netted against pigeons , or carrots surrounded by a low fence of plastic sheeting to repel root fly .
8 Reptiles and amphibians use a three-chambered heart , where blood goes into a separate part of the atrium on its way to the muscles , but the blood on its way back empties into the same ventricle .
9 Mounds might be raised or pagodas built in a flat landscape or on a hilltop plateau .
10 He suggests the construction of a continuum of categories , each with its set of conditional factors , in which the practitioner could decide upon the degree of directiveness or non-directiveness needed in a specific situation .
11 Nant-y-Glyn Leisure Holiday cottages & chalets set in a lovely sheltered valley .
12 In the latter case , where entry depends upon a capacitative mechanism based on an InsP 3 -sensitive pool , the model shown in Fig. 4 transforms into the two-pool model described in detail elsewhere .
13 He 'd been shown to the interview room where Scott sat with a uniformed officer close by the door .
14 Where lava erupts from a single vent a low exogenous dome may be formed from a succession of flows , but basaltic lava flows so readily that such features will only develop on nearly level surfaces .
15 At one extreme were the countries characterized as majoritarian on both dimensions : in both the United Kingdom and New Zealand , for example , power is concentrated into the majority party ; n a two-party ( or virtually so ) system , where rule occurs without a written constitution and with no dispersal of power to subsidiary governments .
16 The absolute right of an editor or journalist to opt for a personal hearing before a complaints committee would be removed .
17 The absolute right of an editor or journalist to opt for a personal hearing should be removed .
18 Thus , every three years or so , a strident siren echoed across the Dantesque landscape of Winnington to signal the moment for everyone within eye- or ear-shot to retire to a safe distance and to watch the plant reduce itself to a concrete skeleton .
19 It is , I believe , this same ‘ sthenic spur , ’ or determination to survive as a self-defined individual , which causes the anorexic to reject suicide — another form of surrender — and to choose the more arduous life of self-starvation , not in order to die , but in order to live and go on living .
20 A named community , village , town , church or school in the UK or Ireland linking with a named community , village , town , project area or institution in the Third World , both in partnership with Christian Aid , having a link with the purpose of learning more about each other .
21 Then run a piece of plastic or wood finished with a smooth , small radius around the edge and leave the excess to cure .
22 To be eligible an enterprise should be registered in an EC member country and have a product or process aimed at a transnational market .
23 a narrow strip of paper or linen pasted to a single leaf to allow sewing into a section for binding .
24 The windshield was a white spiderweb or cracks centring on a neat black circle .
25 Wright and Richmond were recommended by Collinson to Bartram as being the most reliable , and were sometimes asked to convey zoological cargo ; live squirrels , red-birds and terrapins for Lord Petre or insects mounted in a cork-lined box for Dr Fothergill .
26 Any tendency to diffuseness or ambiguity led to a wide range of interpretations and allowed teachers and heads to assert in good faith , whatever the nature of their practice , that they were implementing the LEA 's policies and principles .
27 There may well be an area where the interest at stake in an application for a licence is considerably more important than that involved in a forfeiture or failure to renew in a different context .
28 At last they came to a clearing , where Vic headed for a mossy log .
29 Or crackle open under a blue-black pressure .
30 This does not mean ‘ just-enough ’ telecommunications on site ; it may also mean the nearness to a micro-wave or satellite TV link or surface links to a major town .
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