Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [verb] [pn reflx] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 At its heart lie two raised mires of deep peat , wildernesses of scattered birch , where adders sun themselves among the fern , and amber dragonflies haunt the peaty pools .
2 Dracula 's Haus — & Hofmusik revealed itself as a work of pleasing surfaces , but no great depth or impact .
3 Each city , town or village lends itself to a collage in some odd way .
4 Once the mystery has provided a sufficient reason for hero or heroine to find themselves in a good opening situation of suspense , the person or persons behind that mystery can be safety revealed .
5 An off night , I assured him , as we re-traced our twenty-mile drive to Palm Beach , where Robin wrapped himself in a blanket in front of the TV , soothing his cold turkey by watching videos of the local comedians , while I made a mental note to move my life and family to a flat above 42nd Street .
6 Reimbursement of medical , hospital and treatment expenses while on holiday ( including emergency dental treatment ) and hotel and repatriation expenses to the British Isles necessarily incurred arising from injury sustained or sickness declaring itself during the period of the holiday ( including those of any one person required on medical advice to accompany the Insured Person ) .
7 Once it was recognized that animals orient themselves in a variety of ways , the engineering approach was extremely successful in identifying the underlying mechanisms .
8 ‘ It is vital that companies prepare themselves for the new Europe and this initiative will help firms in the south .
9 It was as a result of this new approach that Haslam found himself in the Plastics Division , a more glamorous part of ICI , in contrast to the Nobel Division he had recently left .
10 Worse , although Thornton knew that Hayling saw himself as a potential chief executive , he demanded that the business side of the paper be immediately put under the direction of ‘ an upfront businessman with a solid track record ’ .
11 It is true that there were unforeseen obstacles for Hibs to overcome — not least of which was an ankle injury to goalkeeper Chris Reid who was stretchered off after 37 minutes after a 50-50 challenge with Colin West — but it was difficult to disagree with Alex Miller 's belief that Hibs shot themselves in the foot .
12 Although Barrett described himself as an ‘ antiques dealer ’ , the way he handled Miss Prinsep had more in common with the foot-in-the-door techniques employed by what the Sussex police wearily refer to as the ‘ knocker boys ’ .
13 But it is not only through his healings and exorcisms that Jesus shows himself as the bearer of the Spirit : he claims it explicitly in the controversy with the scribes about Beelzebub ( apparently another name for Satan , conceived of as ‘ lord of the house ’ ) .
14 It was not until autumn that Jennifer found herself in the city again .
15 We all know that parachutes form themselves into a hemispherical shape as they fill with air ; but , for simplicity , it is better if we follow Hugh 's example and assume that we are dealing with a flat disc .
16 The fact , however , that Britain linked herself to the German economy through the ERM meant that , far from conducting the opposite policies to Germany 's — which it would have been in her real interest to do — she had to follow suit .
17 The best we can do is raise our own children differently ( a project that will fail , ironically , to the extent that children model themselves on the unreconstructed adults they encounter ! )
18 Although Barber found himself in the political wilderness with the Tories ' fall from power after the death of Queen Anne in 1715 , he remained loyal to his friends and true to his Tory principles .
19 Further , once women get themselves into the position of dependent housewives , they have a vested interest in the maintenance of the status quo since it is too late in their lives to think of independent careers , and sexual freedom merely means the freedom for their husbands to seek younger women .
20 Just as genes propagate themselves in the gene pool by leaping from body to body via sperms or eggs , so memes propagate themselves in the meme pool by leaping from brain to brain via a process which , in the broad sense , can be called imitation .
21 But although Shadwell saw himself as a follower of Ben Jonson , he was writing in a different era .
22 This caused such a stir that Harrison threw himself into the cause of medical reform .
23 This not only involves a mutual understanding of the common-sense notions in everyday life about what counts as an excuse , it requires that constables put themselves in the position of the offender to test whether they would have done the same .
24 Perhaps the answer is that Puddephat killed himself at the flat ? ’
25 The Woman gave him one look and then switched off the light and Doyle settled himself in the chair and sat silently in the shadows .
26 Then between us we carried her to the river and rolled her in and Nour washed himself at the edge of the crocodile pool .
27 The McCullochs turned into their cottage with a brief good-night and Cameron , James , and Allan let themselves into the tall , silent house along the road .
28 All of us probably envy the ability of Imelda , Ivana , Diana and co to indulge themselves with a glorious shopping spree whenever the desire grips them .
29 His last book , Antonietta , published in 1991 , tells the story of a Stradivarius violin , and Hersey inserted himself as a character .
30 Eye surgeons immediately accepted the new compound , and Alcon found itself with a worldwide monopoly .
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