Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [verb] [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Before 1939 Swire & Sons had tinkered with the idea of ‘ going into air ’ .
2 Superimposed colours , transparency and opacity , signs of rust where moisture has seeped into the cloth stretched over the frame : for the last ten years Michel Mouffe 's work has created its own history through the layered transformations taking place within the canvas .
3 EVEN the police in Jammu & Kashmir have turned against the Indian government .
4 Accommodating the exiled Kuwaitis has given a boost to the depressed property market , especially in the Eastern Province , where rents have tripled in the past year .
5 Where visitors have contributed to the injuries they have sustained due to the defendant 's breach of duty under the OLA 1957 , then the damages to which they are entitled may be reduced .
6 Smoke was billowing out from it now , where fuel had spilled over the hot engine .
7 Switchboard as an organization has probably had some effect on more of us , as callers and as volunteers , than any other single campaign or group has done in the recent history of lesbian and gay rights in this country .
8 But the loss , damage or delay has occurred during the carriage by the other means of transport and was not caused by an act or omission of the carrier by road is determined not by the CMR but by the applicable international convention .
9 Raphael ( 1982 ) provides qualitative descriptions of the experiences of thirty-five children aged between two and eight years in twenty families in which either the mother or father had died in the previous two to eight weeks .
10 Discussions with individual scientists have revealed that in such cases , informal contacts between supervisors or departments have resulted in the creation of a network of unofficial and informal loan arrangements , totally outwith the control of the libraries concerned .
11 I mention these matters not in order to indicate any disagreement with Knox J. 's conclusions on discretion but because the indemnity provisions in section 83 seem to me to underline that the legislature did not contemplate the power of rectification being exercisable under section 82 except in cases either where an error or omission had occurred in the register , i.e. paragraphs ( d ) to ( h ) , or where a substantive cause of action against the registered proprietor required the register to be rectified , i.e. paragraphs ( a ) and ( b ) .
12 ‘ ( 1 ) Subject to the provisions of this Act to the contrary , any person suffering loss by reason of any rectification of the register under this Act shall be entitled to be indemnified. ( 2 ) Where an error or omission has occurred in the register , but the register is not rectified , any person suffering loss by reason of such error or omission , shall , subject to the provisions of this Act , be entitled to be indemnified. … ( 4 ) Subject as hereafter provided , a proprietor of any registered land or charge claiming in good faith under a forged disposition shall , where the register is rectified , be deemed to have suffered loss by reason of such rectification and shall be entitled to be indemnified under this Act .
13 Where decay has advanced along the joist into the building interior , it may be necessary to splice on a new timber end to the member , carried on a joist-hanger .
14 Perhaps because no photographer 's sense of composition or lighting has come between the subject and the reader , they manage to be informative as well as visually satisfying .
15 The turnout in Germany as a whole was 77.8 per cent ; that in western Germany was 78.6 per cent ( as compared with 84.3 per cent in 1987 — see pp. 35014-15 ) ; that in eastern Germany ( where voters had gone to the polls three times in the previous nine months — see pp. 37300-03 ; 37467 ; 37762 ) was 74.7 per cent .
16 Leaks can happen because dirt or grit has got into the valve or because the valve washer is worn .
17 The joints between plastic gutters can leak too — usually because dirt or grit has got between the gutter and the seal or because the seal itself has perished .
18 When contra-charges or claims have arisen between the builder and the nominated sub-contractor for such items as damage , breakages or delays then obviously the amount certified by the builder will vary from that certified in the interim certificate .
19 Arnold Leese , its leader , was a member of the Britons and had gained a strong belief in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion as a result of contact with Arthur Kitson in Stamford , Lincolnshire , where Leese had lived in the 1920s .
20 The latter part of the above signal refers to a plan that Stirling had concocted with the RAF during his last brief visit to Cairo .
21 ICI , which sell 1,1,1 under the tradename Genklene , has developed low emission cleaning plants and new degreasers such as the semi-aqueous system that ICI has launched under the Evolve tradename .
22 It is merely the application of some basic rules of human behaviour that researchers have uncovered over the last hundred years or so .
23 ( 1984 ) suggest that the mixed results obtained in recognition experiments can often be explained by the fact that researchers have concentrated on the effects of schemas on numbers of hits and false alarms in different conditions .
24 Moreover , they misunderstand the nature of the task upon which the judge has been compelled to engage himself , which is to discover , using the tools with which the law has furnished him — the accepted presumptions and canons of construction — not some speculative but unexpressed ‘ intention of Parliament ’ but the ambit of the written rules that Parliament has imposed for the regulation of the subject 's conduct and his rights and duties under the law .
25 It was sheltered from prying eyes by trees , in the very heart of that section of the Dresden Heide that Mitzer had purchased for the Party .
26 Electronic News hears that DEC has decided on the name Alpha AXP for the VAX successors to be built around the new chip .
27 Reports suggested that discussions had centred on the creation of a coalition government which would exclude some of the more militant fundamentalist groups .
28 The court heard that Newton had snapped in the mistaken belief that his father was about to draw a gun on him .
29 Merleau-Ponty , who met Nizan a few weeks later at Laurent Casanova 's villa in Porto , recalls that Nizan seemed resigned to the inevitability of war , but still confident in the belief that a tripartite alliance between France , Great Britain and the USSR was a necessary and inevitable prerequisite to the defeat of fascism .
30 Soviet recognition was extended to the Castro government a few days after it had taken power , but this was not reciprocated , and it appears to have been the Cubans , concerned not to give Washington any pretext for claiming that Communism had arrived in the Caribbean , who were responsible for the fact that for well over a year after the revolution the two countries did not have diplomatic ties .
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