Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [verb] [pers pn] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps President we could solve the problem by the T & G having theirs one year and us the next .
2 Chapman & Hall made him some compensation through extra payments for Pickwick Papers and Nicholas Nickleby , and by making loans and advances .
3 No , contrary to what Bill Graham says , Simon Carmody & Co. released it fucking ages ago .
4 Let down , their elation leaking away , they had decided to give up , and taken a taxi back to Alice 's mother 's house , where Alice made them both coffee and scrambled eggs .
5 We recruited a team of twenty-five young executives whose firms or colleagues gave them three weeks paid leave for the election campaign .
6 No one denied that ICI gave them first-class products .
7 Asian ships did not go round the Cape of Good Hope to trade with Europe , and East Indiamen , as the Company 's ships were called , were so heavily armed and were so much safer from the risk of piracy that merchants found them useful carriers even though they did not sail as fast as local ships until the Company had its ships built of teak some decades later .
8 In our view , the advertising award of the decade should go to the brain who thought up the series of anti-smoking television adverts which did not even mention lung cancer , but drew attention to the fact that smoking gives you bad breath .
9 We are delighted that Ibstock joined us this year .
10 ‘ I understand that Matthew showed you those books . ’
11 Miss Honey sensed that Matilda wanted it that way .
12 She was pleased that Faye drank it that way , since without food value it would n't affect her blood sugar level or insulin intake and therefore did n't have to be regulated in quantity and timing .
13 Humans should demand that businesses guarantee them accurate information about green products .
14 We should insist that industrialists give us this information as of right .
15 You may find that people offer you conflicting advice and opinions about your duties and the patient 's condition .
16 What I 've done is just taken over from Catherine last year on her topics which er , seem to quite successful and I certainly know that Marian did them last year and found them good .
17 Perhaps four or five minutes , though it certainly seemed more ; Moxie guessed ten minutes , and Gildas later told her that Ludens told him fifteen minutes .
18 There 's the Flake one , which promotes the idea that chocolate gives you sexual gratification — and that girls who consume chocolate all day are thin and have perfect skin and teeth .
19 Neither the General nor Bill gave me any hint of lolly . ’
20 I 'm told that humans prefer it that way . ’
21 Although Maslow offers us useful insights into individual psychology , his theory is open to a number of criticisms :
22 However , he seems to have overlooked the fact that Ferrari gave him two race wins last year and that the Scuderia 's tally of six victories this year is four more than Williams was able to score .
23 The only thing you can say is that DB gave us good service and for this we should be grateful .
24 It found support in the professional and middle classes , and Treitschke gave it intellectual respectability .
25 The children made lots of friends in the Mini-Club , under the watchful supervision of ‘ Animators ’ who organised activities in the morning and afternoon giving us some time to ourselves .
26 ‘ I accept , of course , that judges must be vigilant concerning the liberty of the subject ; but , if Parliament gives them discretionary powers , as section 13 of the Act of 1960 seems to do , it is not competent for them to refuse to exercise those powers .
27 By-employments such as basket-making , hemp-dressing and wild-fowling gave them additional security .
28 By night , Kos really comes to life and boasts two of the best discos in Greece and lots of bars and tavernas to keep you happy well into the early hours of the morning .
29 Their praises and flattery gives you new heart and helps you feel top of the world on Sunday .
30 I 'd spent most of it with the other two , one bad and the other indifferent , now I 'd come across a good one and fate gave us four years together , that 's all .
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