Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [modal v] have been [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Huy found himself wishing that he were able to read some comment on the policeman 's face — anger or disapproval might have been easier .
2 One or other would have been easy to end .
3 Evans suggested that if the complete picture showed an attack on a city the houses depicted may have been part of an outer defence wall in which no ground-floor doors or windows would have been possible .
4 But life for the servi or slave must have been intolerable .
5 Great men are almost always bad men … ’ , and with this latter opinion no medieval chronicler , romancer or hagiographer would have been likely to concur .
6 ‘ In terms of location , either Chester or Stockport would have been preferable .
7 Where others might have been satisfied just to become editor of The Times , he took on one public job after another .
8 The process is similar to oral tradition , in which good descriptions , tales , or verses are preserved and repeated ; indeed the audience or reader would have been disappointed if some of the famous and much loved descriptions were not included .
9 The government 's motive in attacking enclosures was not simply disinterested concern for justice for the poor , although Wolsey may have been anxious about their welfare .
10 Although William would have been happy to keep bishops within the Kirk , the Scottish episcopal bench , led by Bishop Alexander Rose of Edinburgh , refused to accept the legitimacy of the new regime .
11 From the extracts to which I have ventured to refer it is clear that equity would have been unlikely to have considered that there was any duty upon the creditors and their solicitors to do more than they in fact did in the circumstances of that case .
12 I can not think that Taggy would have been obliged to turn away her admirers otherwise . ’
13 It was unthinkable that Mick could have been right .
14 It is possible they were acting on their own initiative , in the belief that Stalin would have been pleased to have Kirov removed .
15 John Chadwick ( 1976 , p. 157 ) agrees that transactions would have been easier if prices were agreed in terms of a base-commodity — whether gold or silver or something else — but there seems to be no evidence of this in the archive tablets .
16 And Cecil now suggests that Tenby may have been short of oxygen because his tongue was over his bit .
17 This is not , of course , to say that workers would have been prepared to face long-term falls in real earnings .
18 It had never occurred to her that Elaine would have been brave enough to do that .
19 She consoled herself with the thought that Pet would have been dead before it happened .
20 A number of Cabinet colleagues had doubts about all these policies and many would acknowledge that things would have been different without her .
21 She told herself that things could have been worse .
22 A Carolyn who led another life , with no more than the ghost of a thought that things could have been different .
23 Despite the fact that practitioners must have been aware of the low level of legal representation in these courts the Law Society , in its evidence to the Royal Commission , explained the establishment of duty solicitor schemes in terms of the publication of these research findings .
24 Another reason for the relatively slow acceptance of the term counterurbanization in Britain may be the fact that Britain may have been one of the last developed countries to experience the phenomenon .
25 The presence of contemporary amphibians , such as the labyrinthodonts , shows that temperatures must have been moderate and water bodies present year-round , as migration would not have been an option .
26 Harney 's widow , when she emerged , insisted that others must have been involved in a conspiracy .
27 As he was a very busy man , I was grateful that Eliot should have been prepared to see me without any notice at all .
28 I was growing in emotional courage , and I had the rather wry thought that Leslie would have been proud of me .
29 Even so , the number of those who believed that Hitler would have been one of the greatest German statesmen of all time had it not been for the war remained relatively high , though this figure too had fallen sharply ( from 48 per cent in 1955 to 32 per cent by 1967 ) .
30 But Rain and Shildon might have been alone , there was no one to see or overhear them .
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