Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [pron] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The sum of £250 had been borrowed from Joseph Barnard , the treasurer , to make good the actual deficiency which ‘ had not arisen from any defect or negligence whatever in the management of the institution , but on the contrary arose from the great success of the Infirmary and the high reputation it had acquired , so that the number of patients had increased rapidly ’ .
2 Mash it or purée it in the blender with an equal quantity of fresh unsalted butter .
3 When a whisker grows from solution or from vapour there generally first appears a very fine filament or leader which in the electron microscope can be seen to be almost perfectly smooth .
4 ( 4 ) The tenant shall upon reasonable notice permit the landlord or his agent to inspect and take copies of the tenant 's books of accounts or any other document or record which in the opinion of the landlord or such agent is relevant to the determination of the turnover rent and shall bear the costs of such inspection if there shall be any material discrepancy between the information supplied by the tenant under paragraph 3 above and the results of such inspection .
5 born in Church Street I , I was only one , there were no brothers or sisters which for the record , I regret because all around me I had cousins , dozens of them and erm the families round me was big families and it was the , there was er times when it was bad weather or something like that and you could n't congregate outside , you 'd go to somebody 's house , are you coming ?
6 But for our present purposes , its interest is that it locates stylistic significance in the ideational function of language ; that is , in the cognitive meaning or sense which for the dualist is the invariant factor of content rather than the variable factor of style .
7 The Directors may require to be satisfied that any Share being transferred under this paragraph are being transferred in pursuance of a bona fide sale for the consideration stated in the instrument of transfer without any deduction rebate or allowance whatsoever to the Purchaser .
8 The Directors may require to be satisfied that any Share being transferred under this paragraph are being transferred in pursuance of a bona fide sale for the consideration stated in the instrument of transfer without any deduction rebate or allowance whatsoever to the Purchaser .
9 The results of all the foregoing may be a fire or fires which on the arrival of the fire brigade have either developed as could be anticipated in the absence of an automatic extinguishing system or a situation where fire has gained a substantial hold and is being retarded in its growth by a sprinkler system reduced to some degree from its designed effectiveness .
10 It 's one of those rare books of comic genius that imprints itself on the brain and can never afterwards be eradicated .
11 He sees the ball early and strokes , rather than forces it through the gap in the field .
12 Busy executives should not be bothered by trifling matters , so the receptionist must learn how to classify calls and route them to the person best suited to deal with them .
13 Specifically , it is to query the new received wisdom , that the alternative party to the Conservatives in British politics has only to take the consumerist road , and present itself as the protector of the individual against Big Business and Big Government .
14 I run to the bedroom , clutch the lump of hash from the bookshelf , and lock myself in the bathroom , turning the taps on .
15 And the young woman let her tie the grizzling baby into the bath-chair and wheel it around the courtyard to look at the hens .
16 Even if one does think of self-consciousness as perceiving one 's own activities rather than heeding them ( as one also heeds the perceived ) , there is no obvious reason why one should not be perceiving as thought and emotion what to the eye would be neural process , just as when , with the same experience of temporal change without spatial extension , one hears as sound what one would see as vibrations .
17 He has a singular mind and what is on it at the moment , seems , in our time of stagnation , to speak for a lost England ; and England which for the moment has been buried beneath the slogans of ideology and the jargon of modish materialism and press vendettas and bile .
18 They were encouraged to profess repentance and contrition which in the view of CD and others simply promoted hypocrisy , hence his satire on ‘ Model Prisoners ’ in DC 61 .
19 The bouncy Miss Routledge , whose run in Bennett 's Talking Heads has just come to a close , explained : ‘ Alan just selects someone , writes the piece and posts it through the letterbox .
20 Crush a sugar lump and add it to the brandy in which the raisins were soaked ; warm the mixture , set it alight and drizzle it over the pudding just before bringing to table .
21 It falls down and cracks you on the head and things like that !
22 A great many Greek politicians and officials who at the time said privately that they thought the thing was a nonsense heard themselves publicly using arguments which did not improve Greece 's reputation for honest debate .
23 If you are interested in enrolling in Business Direct , or wish any of your staff to enrol , please complete the attached application form and post it to the address shown or take it to your local Midland branch .
24 To ‘ bastard trench ’ , take out the top spit of the first trench and barrow it to the end of the digging area .
25 Steel your heart , gird up your vitals and content yourself with the company of bold fellows like Kelly and myself … ’
26 Then I divvy up the crap into the rightful pedal bins and trolley them around the building , where nobody knows me .
27 Brewers may thus formulate a character and emphasis it in the beer .
28 As the slack came in , he got one of the uniformed men to cut the line away from Gomez 's legs and retie it to the line on the rod .
29 You might as well take money and shovel it down the drain .
30 The scene is much more complex than it was say a generation or two ago and Moderator we in the Church of England should be much interested to learn in due course whether you too will feel a need to make liturgical revision for these various paths to faith .
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