Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [pron] [verb] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 So when would a rule or practice which had a discriminatory effect be ‘ justifiable ’ ?
2 If York or London needed Bell or Ramsey they had a moral duty to move whether or not they wanted it .
3 → When you buy goods or equipment you have a legal right to expect them to comply with any description applied : leather not plastic , solid wood and not veneer , or in this case a ‘ 67 and not a 1974 model .
4 This term refers to the generation of a set of boundaries to define regions or areas which have a particular property or set of properties .
5 First , can Quine be forced to acknowledge that questions arise which demand transcendental reflection — does his resistance to such issues flow naturally from his philosophy , or docs it require a stubborn closing of the mind ?
6 Consequently , I would often choose a fleece pullover or jacket which has a windproof cover .
7 One of the problems in the public sector is that no one keeps a balance sheet , so there is no proper record of maintenance costs and of depreciating assets — whereas the business man or woman who manages a private care home is alive to the importance of maintenance , and of protecting the value of that asset .
8 Not all agreements or arrangements which have a restrictive effect on competition are prohibited by EC competition rules .
9 The lender accepts that the surplus cash flow over operating costs will cover the cost of interest payments arising from a debt , or that the building or project itself has a realizable capital value .
10 Just as the pure scientist , from his [ or her ] early training , absolves himself [ or herself ] from the uses to which his [ or her ] discoveries are put , rather than seeing that the discoveries themselves are inescapably linked to an economy on which he [ or she ] depends for support , so the applied scientist accepts that others define the goals that he [ or she ] has to achieve rather than seeing that his [ or her ] own means or technology itself presupposes a social order , set of priorities or goals .
11 ‘ State form ’ refers to the fact that states themselves constitute a special form of social relation .
12 Transnationalism makes the point that there are actors other than states which play a central role in international events , the obvious examples being multinational corporations and revolutionary groups .
13 This was essentially a biological approach , influenced by the taxonomic studies of Ray , and it aroused so much interest that Ray himself undertook a Latin translation .
14 In March 1987 a new rule was introduced , whereby anyone with earnings of more than £100,000 who joined a new pension scheme was required to base their final salary assessment on their average earnings over any three consecutive years over the last ten .
15 Without denying the accountability/ control/patronage problems which accompany this form of governmental organization , the survival of the species suggests that governments themselves see a continuing role for non-departmental public bodies , particularly when faced with politically hostile local authorities and bureaucratically organized government departments which may frustrate central government policy priorities .
16 Even though I make fun of it , and it 's not my favourite music , that does n't mean that it 's less valid than bands who last a long time , especially if it is enjoyed .
17 ( In relation to the last point the authors demonstrate that universities which have a large proportion of their students in halls of residence tend to have lower non-completion rates , and that this finding is common for both sexes .
18 It is , of course , important that counsellors themselves have a detailed knowledge of fertility treatments .
19 Some senior party figures believe that theme itself represents a strategic political withdrawal to ground that can be more easily defended in the face of Labour 's onslaught .
20 Spencer insisted that free enterprise was the key to social progress , and used biological evolutionism to argue that Nature itself exhibited a universal tendency towards progress .
21 The same study found that people who read a daily paper were more likely to watch the news on TV than people who did not .
22 The new laws also require that people who find a stray dog should report it to the authorities .
23 Henry had read an article in The Times , which said that partners who lost a loved one often blamed the departed for the death .
24 A recent study of the use of a printed PRECIS ( PREserved Context Indexing System ) index for subject searching reveals that searchers who adopted a broad search formulation strategy where more successful than those who took an exact matching approach in accessing the index .
25 The study shows that men who had a small head circumference or were thin at birth , or both , had higher rates of cardiovascular death than those who had a large head circumference or were fat .
26 He would like to see , for example , more acknowledgement that hospitals themselves have a strong impact on people , and he thinks some study should be devoted to this .
27 It was undesirable in principle that Ministers who shared a collective responsibility should vote in different Lobbies , even on an issue of this kind …
28 ( Of course this factor varies according to the character of the musical material : placid material calls for much less change than material which has a strong emotional urge . )
29 To include in teacher training ‘ respect for others ’ as a first principle and to support this by the development of teaching materials and activities which foster a practical understanding of its significance
30 inside it and then for you and mum I bought a little something , it was one pound forty .
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