Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [pron] [verb] to the " in BNC.

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1 During the initial development of root definitions these factors should be considered in systems terms only , otherwise the analyst may just relate them to the subject organisation , overlooking other individuals or groups who contribute to the system as defined .
2 More precisely , we might look for a set of conditions or circumstances which lead to the expectation that Creole would be used in an interaction .
3 agreement had called for a " report " , but the Court of Appeal did not agree that the use of the word " report " required the expert to set out the reasoning or calculations which led to the conclusion .
4 Students then tick the boxed word or phrase which corresponds to the sentence they think they heard .
5 In the tradition of Advaita or non-Dualism he refers to the soul , ( Ātman ) , and God , ( Brahman ) , as knowers rather than objects of knowledge and claims that it is not possible for mortal beings by the use of reason alone to know the knower of knowing .
6 The structure of the fertilizer industry is divided into two , where subscript I refers to the four dominant firms and subscript 2 refers to the blenders , who act as importers of urea .
7 From the apron or uniform she wore to the testimonial of good behaviour or ‘ character ’ , without which she became unemployable , everything about her symbolised a relation of power and subjection .
8 It is consequently vital , when assessing Nizan 's communist novels , to bear in mind the importance that Nizan himself attached to the transition date of 1934 .
9 Returning to the brother-sister incest case for illustration , we note that individuals who conform to the aversion leave more offspring .
10 The ECJ established that goods which adhered to the national rules and regulations in the member state in which they were produced , should be able to be sold in any member state without need to adhere to the rules and regulations governing the production and sale of the good in the importing member state .
11 The one stumbling block is that people who come to the bank for loans have to pay half the consultant 's fee — which could come to several hundred pounds .
12 And I 'm afraid there is no way you can you , if you try and force the caf to be more a sort of caf that people who come to the cinema will patronize then it will not make a profit in my view .
13 Not only does the promotion system mean that people who rise to the top are likely to have just those personal characteristics it takes to commit corporate crime , but these are also reinforced by the psychological consequences of success itself , for these too free a person from the moral bind of conventional values .
14 So that morning I went to the College library and began trying to remind myself of the intricacies of French verbs .
15 If the Church is to keep its teenagers , especially , it has to compete successfully with many other attractions and activities which appeal to the young .
16 This partnership was dissolved in 1882 to become Robert Blackwood and Sons which lasted to the formation of Blackwood Morton , when Robert Blackwood 's son William Ford Blackwood joined forces with Gavin Morton in 1908 .
17 Here was a fellow human , Canadian , and Montrealer who went to the same movies and read the same papers as you or I. 1 . )
18 It is the balance between precision and imprecision which contributes to the success of his rhetoric , it seems — and perhaps to rhetoric everywhere .
19 And so throwing up its hands in horror and resignation it turns to the priests and pastors of religion — of a more primitive world order — and tells them to get on with it .
20 There were also moments of aggravated political violence — whether clashes between hunger marchers and the police , bitter street-fights between fascists and anti-fascists which led to the Public Order Act of 1936 , or accusations and counter-accusations about ‘ political hooliganism ’ when public meetings were broken up , as they frequently were .
21 The individual is a living biological animal who is born , develops to maturity , grows old and dies ; the person is the set of offices and roles which attach to the individual at any particular stage in his life career .
22 Its opponents included liberals who were opposed to the death penalty and conservatives who objected to the gun control provisions .
23 Whenever a package is being approved , the approver is presented with a list of all SPRs and SSRs which apply to the modules in the package in order to judge the quality of the package .
24 Any SPRs and SSRs which apply to the modules in the package .
25 The judge had earlier given leave for Dr Odling-Smee to be called to give evidence for the defence in Lord Aldington 's libel action over allegations in a pamphlet that he is a war criminal responsible for the forced repatriation of 70,000 Cossacks and Yugoslavs who surrendered to the British in southern Austria in May 1945 .
26 Advisory Committees were set up by the NEC on 13 March 1918 in order to help to develop the Party 's policies on a wide range of issues and began to publish reports and statements which added to the corpus of Labour policies .
27 Do yourself and the community a favour by taking the rusty iron and junk you find to the nearest litter bin .
28 Generally savage in nature , they were believed to have bred underground in the beginning of the world , their twisting movements resulting in a network of caverns and catacombs which led to the sea .
29 But the BBC and talent unions — the Musicians ' Union , Equity and the Writers ' Guild — still can not agree on how much the performers and writers who contribute to the original broadcast should be paid out of profits accruing from re-issue of their work on video disc or tape .
30 After prayers and meditations we move to the high altar where a female form , draped entirely in black , is seated on a chair beside the statue of Isis .
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