Example sentences of "[adv] having [verb] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately they are not usually repeatable , so having made a superb jumper for your mother , you will probably be unable to make one for yourself .
2 Merseyside fire brigade spokesman Ken London said : ‘ It is bad enough having to tackle a serious fire without having stones thrown at you as well . ’
3 ‘ Anyone who can be bothered to see us will go away having watched a proper band .
4 ‘ Anyone who can be bothered to see us will go away having watched a proper band .
5 The commercial men resented thus having to create a negative image of their product , but this was the least the industry could do to allay government criticism that they were expanding more rapidly than resources allowed .
6 Smaller companies or companies not having made a previous acquisition will often ask us to act as intermediaries .
7 Still has that remarkable record of not having missed a single game since he signed for Leicester from Sheffield United .
8 That will no doubt be done by the press , clearly bored at not having had a good scandal to get its teeth into for all of two months .
9 He also found that Locke , once having made a similar distinction , provided no good reason for belief in a world over and above the ideas we have of it .
10 The brick and stone-built cone is sixty feet high , and was saved from demolition in 1962 by excavations which showed its importance as an industrial monument , this area of Yorkshire once having had a thriving glass industry .
11 People may drift into a job without ever having made a positive decision .
12 Dublin can not bring itself publicly to renounce its territorial claim to the North , while privately living in dread of ever having to acknowledge a direct responsibility for Northern Ireland 's Protestants .
13 The Prince , of course , had to go and say hello , and disappeared once again , emerging ten minutes later having had a long discussion with the chief brass player .
14 And came back having learnt a new verse
15 Well having seen a little bit erm was on the other day and I I mean I I must admit I touch shut up you !
16 Details of a promotion were discussed with the manager , a promotion in which he expected to do well having sold a considerable amount of Stoddard Templeton carpet .
17 A SPANIARD defends his German Masters title this week , after being stung into winning last year when he was left out of the Suntory World Matchplay Championship , while an Australian plays here having sacrificed a lucrative place in this year 's matchplay event , writes Norman Dabrell from Stuttgart .
18 All major WordPerfect products will be developed for IBM OS/2 2.0 Although technically superior to Microsoft Windows and even offering Windows 3.0 software compatibility , OS/2 suffers from not having a large enough software base and not yet having reached a critical mass of users .
19 Medical Services are steaming ahead having had a great year .
20 This should be translated : I personally , off the top of my head sitting in my study , never having visited the Arctic , never having seen a polar bear in the wild , and having been educated in classical literature and theology , have not so far managed to think of a reason why polar bears might benefit from being white .
21 Boasting a record of never having had a serious incident or accident in its history , Aurigny is careful about the selection of its pilots , most of whom are mature and experienced aircrew with backgrounds in airline and/or military flying .
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