Example sentences of "[adv] having [verb] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately they are not usually repeatable , so having made a superb jumper for your mother , you will probably be unable to make one for yourself .
2 Merseyside fire brigade spokesman Ken London said : ‘ It is bad enough having to tackle a serious fire without having stones thrown at you as well . ’
3 It was bad enough having to do every single bit of the work , rushing like a mad thing because the person who was meant to help you could n't stop talking .
4 He considered the opportunity to participate in the project to have tied in well with curriculum trends he had been supporting across the school : This was something I very much wanted to encourage because I have a worry that in spite of everything one does in schools to make children aware of library facilities and how to use them , I think quite a lot of children may still leave school without personally having experienced the whole process of needing to find something out , going to a person who can tell them where to look , going , looking , finding it , and then using it .
5 ‘ Anyone who can be bothered to see us will go away having watched a proper band .
6 ‘ Anyone who can be bothered to see us will go away having watched a proper band .
7 The commercial men resented thus having to create a negative image of their product , but this was the least the industry could do to allay government criticism that they were expanding more rapidly than resources allowed .
8 Thus having passed the appropriate sentence , he then , through the atoning work of Christ , stands in the sinner 's place and stead .
9 Once the first stage had used up its fuel you leave it behind so you 're not having to push the empty casing .
10 Smaller companies or companies not having made a previous acquisition will often ask us to act as intermediaries .
11 So he just kicked himself for not having made the obvious connection . ’
12 She shrugged and looked away , over to where Hector was investigating a hole in the base of the stable wall , not having noticed the new arrival .
13 Still has that remarkable record of not having missed a single game since he signed for Leicester from Sheffield United .
14 Moreover , he assesses such people ( in his book The Nightmare , 1985 ) as being ‘ markedly open and defenceless , not having developed the psychological protection most people have … they have thin boundaries ( between conscious and unconscious states ) and let things through . ’
15 That will no doubt be done by the press , clearly bored at not having had a good scandal to get its teeth into for all of two months .
16 The more computer power is available , the faster business can be transacted , and the heavier become the competitive penalties for not having to hand the right information about your business and its environment .
17 TASS argued that they had nothing to withdraw , not having taken the original decision to strike .
18 An earnout will provide a purchaser with a cash flow advantage in not having to pay the extra consideration upfront .
19 He left Cambridge the following year , not having sat the mathematical tripos because of his delicate health , and became a barrister of the Inner Temple .
20 They had become the first team ever to escape relegation from the top division not having won an away game .
21 He also found that Locke , once having made a similar distinction , provided no good reason for belief in a world over and above the ideas we have of it .
22 The brick and stone-built cone is sixty feet high , and was saved from demolition in 1962 by excavations which showed its importance as an industrial monument , this area of Yorkshire once having had a thriving glass industry .
23 People may drift into a job without ever having made a positive decision .
24 Since the relevant ones will be concentrated in one area of the inverted tree they can be quickly located by moving from the root downwards and along the correct branches , without ever having to search the whole database .
25 Dublin can not bring itself publicly to renounce its territorial claim to the North , while privately living in dread of ever having to acknowledge a direct responsibility for Northern Ireland 's Protestants .
26 The harshness of those living-conditions , with the special emphasis on working-class housewives having to feed , clothe and generally look after a large family , was reflected by the lower standards of living , the deprivations all around , widespread poverty , with few families ever having experienced the beneficial effects of a holiday in the country or at the sea-side .
27 The Prince , of course , had to go and say hello , and disappeared once again , emerging ten minutes later having had a long discussion with the chief brass player .
28 My peg top evening gown — my beautiful cerise lace — I could end up having to rethink the whole collection ! ’
29 IT 'S far from roses all the way here , if only because other members of the family are experiencing difficulties and you end up having to bear the emotional brunt of it all .
30 And came back having learnt a new verse
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