Example sentences of "[adv] to make [noun pl] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The mind of the human observer is endowed with creative imagination ; this allows the scientist not only to make discoveries about the laws of nature but to tamper with them and exploit them to his own advantage .
2 pupils are able and mature enough to make choices at the age of 13/14 ;
3 ‘ When she sends him away to make jokes in a hospital .
4 The pace of change since the Second World War has been so swift that we have to be careful not to make assumptions about the past based on what we see around us every day .
5 He knew how things worked in London , where to go to obtain what he wanted or needed , had contacts with the underworld , was smart enough and experienced enough not to make mistakes of the kind that draw a visitor to the attention of the authorities .
6 Mr Shamir said he would stick to his promise not to make concessions to the Palestinians over the occupied territories .
7 A review of recent research led Coleman ( 1986 ) to conclude that reminiscence therapy could not be said to stand on a very solid base , and that it is important not to make generalizations about the value of reminiscence to any particular individual .
8 John Knight would like to sell the hull or cut it up to make souvenirs like the Berlin Wall .
9 Several working parties were set up to make recommendations on the content of each subject and on the appropriate levels of attainment at each stage .
10 Traditionally the knocker boys — descended from former London barrow boys who left London in the 1950s , originally to make inroads into the town 's fruit and veg business — have been based in Brighton .
11 The object of mediation or conciliation is to achieve a resolution of the dispute by the parties agreeing on who should have custody and what access rights the other should have , as well as how to make decisions for the up-bringing of the children .
12 The difficulty is how to make places for the flowers so that they wo n't fall out . ’
13 He must have got enough Nescafé there to make brews for the whole of Frankfurt .
14 Matthew was the baby of the family : a big , cheeky-chopped boy with dark red hair who was always throwing tantrums or turning round to make faces at the people behind him .
15 The Royal Harbinger went ahead to make arrangements for the King and his Court to be quartered in the Cathedral Close .
16 At 27 , he started his own photographic agency and went on to make films on the proceeds , using the talents of advertising colleagues such as Alan Parker or of friends like Ray Connolly .
17 This was probably a man called Michael Sidnell , from Bristol , who had carved a memorial tablet in Alderly Church in 1732 , and had later gone on to make designs for the court-house at Westbury on Severn .
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