Example sentences of "[adv] took [noun sg] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Virtually nothing is known of Freeman 's early years ; he shrouded his early life in great mystery and even the details of his secondary schooling — which apparently took place at a boarding-school in north London — remained unknown to his closest relatives .
2 The ‘ awfully sudden death ’ which had cast ‘ a great gloom ’ over the town of Bishop 's Castle apparently took place in the office of Thomas Griffiths , solicitor and Town Clerk of the borough since 1851 .
3 Before people could generally read , learning was by word of mouth and much took place in the countryside along the paths , particular truths being imparted at certain places , which thereby took on special significance .
4 Andrée without appearing to do so took charge of the evening .
5 He personally took charge of the war against the cult .
6 To a large extent these developments were stimulated by the king 's desperate need for finance , but his exploitation of the political defeat of the Contrariants also involved a massive administrative operation : both factors explain why the expansion largely took place in the treasury and exchequer .
7 It was an ideal curtain-raiser to Mozart 's last piano concerto , No 27 in B flat , K 595 , played by Howard Shelley with a degree of understatement that still took account of the melancholy underlying the music .
8 For instance , returning to that problematic word cunt , I once took part in a discussion in which a woman explained that she did not use that word because for her , its connotations were unrelievedly pornographic .
9 Rune once took tea with a mandarin in Peking and he comments in his diary :
10 This refinement of the ‘ base estimate ’ usually took place within the context of a review of the structure plan .
11 It must also be remembered that death usually took place in the home , not only because nineteenth century parents preferred it , but also because , before the development of antisepsis in practical nursing in the last quarter of the century , to send a patient to hospital was much more likely to prove fatal than keeping him at home .
12 While Baghdad was preoccupied with securing a cease-fire , dissident forces quickly took advantage of a relaxation of internal vigilance : both in the north where Kurdish Peshmerga resumed their earlier insurgency , and in the south where Shiite counterparts rose in revolt against the regime in Basrah and other centres , with what Baghdad claimed was encouragement from Iran .
13 In front of the congress , he quickly took stock of the situation , and forgetting his allegiance to Yeltsin , pledged loyalty to parliament , the constitution and the people .
14 While on bail , Colling also took part in a shopping trip with three others when they used a stolen credit card to buy petrol and goods from two supermarkets in Darlington .
15 Now , last weekend 's cycle ride down the new section of the M forty once looked threatened by being blown away as the Met Office warned of impending storms , but in fact the sun shone down on the riders and today , less than a week the counting is done and Mike Biddolph from Oxfordshire County Council , who also took part in the event , has come up with the grand total of — how much have you raised Mike ?
16 In April Alan also took part in The Headway Trials , Bathgate .
17 Maginn also took part in the debate concerning the intermarriage of deaf and dumb people .
18 Bell also took exception to the briefing provided by the task force assigned to his department .
19 There was bronze for the Oxford powerboat team of Dave Arthur and Pete Little in the world championships … they also took bronze in the European 's two weeks ago …
20 There was bronze for the Oxford powerboat team of Dave Arthur and Pete Little in the world championships … they also took bronze in the European 's two weeks ago …
21 Bush also took credit for the end of the Cold War and for pursuing a successful foreign policy , whilst blaming the obstruction of the Democrat-controlled Congress for the failure to realize much of his domestic agenda .
22 Israel also took control of the water sources of the West Bank and integrated them into its national water system .
23 In 1900 Robinson was appointed locomotive and marine superintendent of the Great Central and two years later also took control of the carriage and wagon department , with the title of chief mechanical engineer .
24 ( An interesting confluence also took place between the development of classical music , which by now had moved away from tonality by vastly enlarging its range , and the coloured musicians ' microtonality . )
25 Mason 's party also took place in the canteen and attracted more than 60 former employees .
26 The meeting also took note of a memo from D G Mann to C Will .
27 ‘ I also took note of the man who wrote to me saying ‘ why do you sigh so much ? ’
28 But Parliament also took account of the fact that the Crown can only act through its officers or servants .
29 The conference also took charge of the security and armed forces .
30 , , and later took part in the Council 's trade mission to Madrid and Barcelona .
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