Example sentences of "[adv] know what [noun] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Thus , general practitioners in Bassetlaw should soon know what kind of role they will have in assessing people for community care .
2 I do not know what kind of verdict would be passed on the school if it were judged by modern educational standards .
3 I do not know what sort of friends they were that they would let a young woman come to them on her own !
4 In the detailed cross-tabulations for our main survey ( not always included in Appendix I ) , we found that women were much more likely to say they did not know what sort of interest rate to expect , and to say they did not understand interest rates well .
5 She did not know what sort of oddness to imagine , but they had been a long time and there had been peculiar noises .
6 At present , the regional and district health authorities do not know what package of skills the PHCN goes into the community with .
7 To her knowledge she had never led anyone into anything she could n't handle herself , but as he had pointed out before , she could n't always know what sort of reaction she was stirring in those who listened to her songs .
8 Did he really know what type of woman Janice was ?
9 You do n't really know what sort of money they have got do you ?
10 He does n't know what species of flora are being removed , is n't sure that there are no birds being disturbed .
11 They would rather go and burgle a house that is n't alarmed , erm because they do n't know what type of alarm you 've got there .
12 The problem is we do n't know what type of animal we are .
13 Some very pretty specimens used to come into our garden and perch on the windowsills but I do n't know what kind of birds they were .
14 Well not you know cleaning so I do n't know what kind of work they do .
15 they 're that highly , there 's that , I do n't know what kind of wood they are , but they were lovely
16 I did n't know what kind of play she might have been pulling .
17 I do n't know what kind of women you 've associated with , Luke Calder , but , believe me , it must have been the wrong kind ! ’
18 Cos if you , you do n't know what kind of person , might be completely different man .
19 I do n't know what kind of jasmine it was .
20 ‘ For one thing we 've hardly seen Tara and , for another , we do n't know what kind of spells and enchantments they might have strewn about . ’
21 ‘ I do n't know what kind of game you 're playing , ’ she said in a low voice .
22 ‘ I do n't know what kind of madness overtook me , ’ he said , ‘ but a little time ago I made a contract with somebody to have her killed . ’
23 I mean , I do n't know what sort of taxes they have on eh , on drink and that sort of thing , but I think Austria is more or less the same same sort of tax .
24 They wo n't know what sort of universe to want .
25 I do n't know what sort of areas you had in mind .
26 We did n't exactly get the bird but they just could n't handle it — they did n't know what sort of music we were playing .
27 And as I say I do n't know what sort of things children watch on T V but it 's all in English .
28 but erm I do n't know what sort of thing wou would get me the best experience .
29 I do n't know what sort of tower they 'll put in her .
30 I did n't know what sort of reception I should get . ’
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