Example sentences of "[adv] down into the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The problem could stretch right down into the centre of the steel wires .
2 Please fuck me , take this body of mine right down into the deep with you , pull me under the earth , drag me under the sea ; pinion my arms , put your mouth over mine and pull me under these heavy waves I 'm feeling , drown me .
3 Held close to the chest , the bundles are dragged backwards down into the chamber for the babes ( up to five in a litter ) to snuggle up into .
4 There were signs of human habitation , scraps of litter , faint smells , broken pottery , strange markings on the walls of the caves which seemed to stretch for ever down into the blackness beneath the cliffs .
5 This one is looking west , straight down into the garden of Number Ten .
6 At the right moment , the American dropped his flaps , the Yak banked to avoid the collision and ploughed straight down into the forest at three hundred and fifty miles an hour .
7 He launched a great shout of : ‘ Espérance Percy ! ’ behind him , waved a hand at the squire who carried his guidon , settled his lance , and plunged headlong down into the river at the ford they had marked out for the centre , and out again in a flurry of muddy spray on the levels beyond , with the whole company of his knights and squires and mounted men-at-arms hurtling after him .
8 For a while he tried to read , tried to sink back down into the fortunes of young Pao-yu and his beloved cousin , Tai-yu , but it was no good ; his mind kept returning to the question of the Aristotle File and what it might mean for Chung Kuo .
9 It means some bastard not only laid me out cold , and stuck me face-down in the Comer , but even rammed me well down into the mud with a foot in the small of my back to make dead sure of me , before he lit out and left me there to drown . ’
10 He turned his head away , pressed forehead and eyes hard down into the covers of Fanny Hill .
11 He poured what was left of the hot water from the kettle into it , then pressed the cork firmly down into the opening with the palm of his hand .
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