Example sentences of "[adv] being [vb pp] out [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I do not believe that Scotland can or should avoid its international obligations , but I object to the fact that we are apparently being singled out as the one country that will be the nuclear laundry for everyone else .
2 ‘ Lili Marlene ’ was constantly being moaned out on the radio , but when I was with my friends , the ones who had gramophones , we played American records which their parents had acquired years before the war .
3 Let's come back to our chlorine then and think about well if it 's not being weathered out of the rocks , what 's its ultimate source ?
4 That inquiry is not being carried out by the military or the police , and when we see what it reports , we will decide , together with our EC partners , what to do next .
5 Meanwhile , the knock-on effect of the slump is still being felt out in the provinces .
6 Sale terms are still being thrashed out with the buyers but heads of agreement have already been signed for all three .
7 It 's still being fought out inside the Ministry .
8 How many paperback thrillers are still being churned out about the horror of Hitler 's Germany ?
9 Thousands of evacuees are now being moved out of the appalling desert slum at Shaalan as the authorities try to ease the tension .
10 I hope the Noble Earl will be able to give me an answer in perhaps in correspondence following this , also the date upon which at they were informed , because I am sure he will realise the implications as far as the rest of the British Police Service are concerned that as from April of this year they will have to take on a heavy burden of work which is now being carried out by the British Transport Police .
11 An inquiry is now being carried out by the governor .
12 A joint inquiry into funding arrangements is now being carried out by the Department of Health and British Dental Association , and the findings will be announced in May .
13 The resolution then being flashed out by the amendments of Councillor and recognising the work of members of governing bodies given so freely .
14 As a journalist I had seen many countries overseas , all smaller and poorer than ourselves , being granted self-government ; and I had hoped that Scotland would not be denied even the limited self-government that was then being dished out to the Cook Islands and the Faeroe Islands and the Cameroons . ’
15 The simple truth is that for the duration of the tours rugby became the political football in the power-broking struggle currently being played out between the various factions in South African politics .
16 US diplomats insisted that there was " no political message " behind the visit , the prime aim of which was to assess the work of locally deployed US forces and to support military reforms currently being carried out in the three countries .
17 erm This rainforest festival is actually being carried out over the country .
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