Example sentences of "[adv] being [verb] [verb] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Furlong is correct , however , in suggesting that anxiety was rife , and because of this and establishment obsessions with a belief in a statistical truth we were constantly being asked to give numerical estimates of how many there were ‘ out there ’ who were ‘ fixing ’ , ‘ using the weed ’ , or ‘ dropping acid ’ .
2 The Army may be seeing a smaller throughput of students , but its four core course levels remain and , ironically , new courses are constantly being introduced to meet changing needs .
3 Yes , both bacteria and animals are already being engineered to produce specific compounds which can be extracted and used for the benefit of farm animals or man .
4 Agonising about the Gold Standard decision , he wrote to his Controller of Finance at the Treasury , Sir Otto Niemayer : So one might ask whether by maintaining high interest rates to support the value of the pound against the Deutschmark , the British people were not being required to make untold sacrifices to match German interest rates , whose levels were in part at least caused by that country 's need to rebuild her eastern provinces .
5 It 's a bit like political parties who have no hope of ever being elected making wild promises .
6 The head is still the leader and acts as chief executive from the viewpoint of governors — partly being told what to do , partly being expected to put forward alternatives of policy and plans for action , partly being used as their principal adviser and partly as the intermediary and negotiator with the other parties .
7 CID is also being extended to cover those persons forcibly confined to psychiatric hospitals .
8 The equipment is also being used to develop three-dimensional re-constructions of pore fabrics in aquifer rocks under the Nirex research and development programme .
9 Some efforts are now being made to confront these problems .
10 Other areas of South Wales have been blighted for years , while renewed threats are now being made to cut open parts of Clwyd 's countryside .
11 ‘ Surplus stock is now being used to clear any backlogs in the orders , and the circle are working with the legal department to incorporate their solution into a company policy on the problem . ’
12 And the venom of the notorious black widow spider , far more potent than that of a rattlesnake , is now being utilised to treat disabling diseases of the nervous and muscular systems .
13 ‘ Rational ’ — a word that can take on various meanings and get one into all sorts of trouble — is here being used to describe those models that ignore organizational behaviour and suggest that the decision-maker has near-perfect knowledge , power and insight , needing merely to conduct the necessary analysis and implement it .
14 Coming in from a film background myself , and being film-minded , I found I was soon in demand to help out with film sequences — ultimately being asked to direct these sequences for Directors who did n't have much experience with the medium . ’
15 This parser is currently being used to provide skeletal parses of the ACL/DCI corpus ( Marcus , 1990 ) .
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