Example sentences of "[adv] only [prep] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In short , if there can be any meaningful talk of " reduction " here at all , it is perhaps only of a possible reduction of properties to ( non-mental and logically independent ) relations , not vice versa .
2 If you do medical negligence work the employment of a nurse , perhaps only on a part-time basis , can save hours of wasted time and be very cost effective .
3 ‘ And in any case high principles are n't the kind of things one notices at a cocktail party — or perhaps only in a negative way , as when somebody drinks tomato juice rather than gin . ’
4 Perhaps only in the next life .
5 Individual librarians are frequently looking for ideal models of programmes of instruction or some sort of guidance and direction ( perhaps only in the broadest terms ) .
6 Previously , the results of experience could be handed down only by the slow process of it being encoded into DNA through random errors in reproduction .
7 It can do so only through a constant turnover of individuals , whose sole purpose in being born is to reproduce and then die .
8 If a group wittingly shares an attitude over a relevant issue but does so only for a limited period of time before falling into disarray , it would be difficult to refer to the group as an elite in any meaningful sense since the outcomes would be insignificant .
9 Abortion is a political act , and as a simple act of Parliament has brought about the slaughter , so only by a political action can the law be changed to stop it . ’
10 Grandparents who moved in only at the very end of their lives , just for a few last months , rarely left much of a mark unless earlier contact had been important .
11 Dominance would then be ascribed incorrectly only to the non-lesioned hemisphere .
12 The Company 's line of communication , which placed it fairly close to the centre of northern North America , was already long and was open only in the ice-free months .
13 Weber associated a prebendal kind of organization not only with a pre-money economy but also with ‘ feudal dominion ’ .
14 It was appropriate that the BDA should go forth from the Bournemouth Congress , which set it on its modern course , not only with a new name and emblem but a new Patron .
15 ( 6 ) The reception of postmodernist culture is associated not only with a new type of habitus , but with a characteristically ‘ de-centred ’ habitus , in which classificatory schema can be loose and boundaries blurred .
16 Paul finds himself not only with a new pardon now he is united with Christ : but also with a new power .
17 The discussions dealt not only with a Soviet withdrawal but with the structure of the government to remain behind in Kabul .
18 They do best not only with a steady food supply but also with a steady moisture availability at root level .
19 Because Soviet military doctrine regards strategy , deployments , force structures and defence Production as integrated and interdependent activities , the Defence Council is concerned not only with a finite number of economic tasks , but with the scrutiny and elaboration of all aspects of defence policy .
20 The CEO must cope not only with a huge array of often amorphous and constantly changing data but also with variables so tightly interwoven that they must be disentangled before they will yield useful information .
21 The experiences of Beamish , Lane and Joseph Banister linked them not only with the anti-alien campaign prior to 1914 , but also with the anti-semitic critique of Jewish capitalists in South Africa by Sir William Butler .
22 The stipulation that the study deal not only with the environmental impact , but also with the social and economic impacts was important .
23 Although he agreed that the legend was a piece of fiction , he believed it to have originated with someone unacquainted not only with the real history of the abbey but also with history in general , probably a professional itinerant storyteller in the middle to late sixteenth century .
24 The accounts which had been submitted to the plaintiffs had dealt not only with the first defendant 's costs , charges and expenses but also with the receivers ' receipts and payments .
25 These provisions , unlike those just outlined , are concerned not only with the economic interests of consumers but also their ‘ interests in respect of health , safety or other matters , ’ section 34 .
26 The regulators have stronger powers than ombudsmen could have , not only with the new powers in the Bill but with their existing powers .
27 However , urban commons may provide an alternative to more formal ways of treating ‘ spare ground ’ , cheaper and in the long run more popular , not only with the wild life , but with the human residents as well .
28 The conductor readily finds the music 's ballet associations , not only with the rhythmic vibrancy of The Rite of Spring , but also the neo-classical works .
29 Any curriculum group that is involved in producing curriculum material for full publication on a national basis , or with commercial publishers , will need to become experienced not only with the creative part of the work but also with the administrative problems entailed .
30 He is her link not only with the British government , but with all monarchical Commonwealth governments .
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