Example sentences of "[adv] have [verb] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If he had not had this picture in his mind , he might inadvertently have written in a way that tried to satisfy different types of individual in the same book .
2 Any rise in aggregate demand which was rationally anticipated would have had no such effect — it would merely have led to a rise in prices .
3 Had she not met Flynn , she would merely have asked for the farms to be restored to Maran Hill ; but the news from London made her too bold .
4 Even if this outcome had not occurred , and by some miracle the world economy had continued to grow after 1918 , it is not possible that States would merely have accommodated to the requirements of growing world trade .
5 Kirkman and Hendy , the Earl of Camden 's agents , may merely have responded to the College 's advertisement , but another explanation for their involvement seems possible .
6 Nothing traumatic happened ; there were just the ordinary ups and downs which would naturally have occurred in the life of a humble family striving to make a reasonable living in a somewhat precarious way .
7 Whilst the smallest kind of town can only have served as a market point , those with populations exceeding 500 usually provided more extensive services to their localities , and some had developed specialised manufactures even if on a modest scale .
8 While this can only have arisen on the basis of particular cases , it too has now become fossilized ; it is now described in terms of relative order of fixed groups of adjectives , and there are even cases where purely formal requirements concerning serial order actually override the organization appropriate to the semantics of what is intended ( see Chapter 8 for some instances ) .
9 Modern science could only have come from a belief that there was a God who had made all things to a certain design .
10 Pictures that could only have come from the Americans or the British , ’ Kragan answered warily .
11 The Palace believes that information could only have come from the princess 's office .
12 After that , there was a series of horrific , shaming cameos that could only have come from the unconscious .
13 Your investigators now will not only have to keep to the law but they will have to obey regulations as well , or only occasionally and with their eye very much over their shoulder slide past them .
14 She could only have driven about a mile , she estimated , but as she trudged back along the road it seemed like a marathon trek .
15 During the period the hired car will be insured under this policy in exactly the same way as your own car is insured and you will only have to pay for the petrol used .
16 Fribble was not really very much of a loss to this expedition , because he would only have got in the way , falling asleep at important meetings ( Lugh liked meetings ) , and eating all of their supplies .
17 Since there was no sparing of the short-pitched stuff , and no intervention from the umpires , to continue would probably only have resulted in an injury anyway .
18 Before a BBC Radio Cleveland debate yesterday , he was obliged to explain off air that because of an undemocratic stomach bug he might suddenly have to leave in the middle of the proceedings .
19 We should not have to apologize for a vow of celibacy .
20 The product does not have to remain in the packaging and the mere possibility of someone having tampered with the goods is not sufficient to exonerate the defendant .
21 In the event of Christian 's death he would not only become the outright owner of Handley Farm , but Christian intended leaving him sufficient money to ensure he did not have to part with the farm in the foreseeable future .
22 It is always the most convenient for my guests in that they do not have to drive in the dark , and they can have a much more leisurely lunch , without worrying about the time , as they would in the evening over dinner .
23 Perhaps the argumentative Balbindor had been correct in saying I should not have drunk from the waterfall springing from the Other Side .
24 The additional part , which does not have to do with the connections stated by independent conditionals , is perhaps particularly necessary in connection with our conviction about the explanatoriness of the causal items .
25 He realises that he does not have to conform to the laws which have been set down by his community .
26 If you had told any of Britain 's hard-pressed post-war chancellors that they could expand the economy vigorously and turn round the external accounts by 6.5 per cent of GDP without adverse consequences , would they not have jumped at the chance ?
27 Horace may or may not have believed in the divinities and demi-gods he poetically invokes ( he often deals whimsically with them , and he describes himself as — not much of a churchgoer ) but they were at the very least a cultural property that he held in common with his audience ; he could assume that his readers — represented by Torquatus — would take the point if , in developing a theme , he reminded them of a name out of history or legend .
28 They told the inquiry that if a particularly strong FM transmission was made very near the radio it might be possible for it to pick up the sub-harmonic at around 14 MHz but that such a signal could not have emanated from a low-powered , hand-held type of two-way radio .
29 An amoral man applying a fixed morality to others might not have hoped for the success Surere had had ; but now , with so much ranged against him , in a world so different from the one he had lorded it in , Huy wondered how he would get on .
30 At Darlington , so that they would not have to wait for a connection , they had hired a special train to Richmond , where they were met .
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