Example sentences of "[adv] have [verb] [adv] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But if you thought about the order that you test , then , if something does n't work , you may only have to go back a few steps and re-test .
2 ‘ Am I alone in detecting a falling away of accuracy — a sloppiness in dealing with facts and quotations which editors would not have tolerated even a few years ago ? ’
3 If they find a cure for say , lung cancer they 'll just have to chase just a tiny bit and they will do cancer .
4 Truthfully , of course ; I 'd see how it sounded , and if it were too reprehensible , well , I 'd just have to think up a good lie , that was all , right now at the outset , and stick to it until perhaps I 'd begin to believe it myself .
5 No market advisers could ever have dreamed up a better ploy because Laura was only enunciating theories she had always believed in .
6 ‘ I like the layout of this Ampeg amp — a minimum of bullshit , and you do n't have to slave over a hot graphic to find a sound .
7 The one big difference is that you wo n't have to pick up a free ticket at the exhibition prior to the race .
8 The advantage of this scheme is that you do n't have to think up a new name of each backup — the nesting of one directory within another takes care of that .
9 Wealth , power , dames : Daine could n't have Dreamed up a better situation for himself in the City if he had been trying .
10 Moeri 's original procedure , of adding the chemicals to the second vat , would however have taken only a few minutes and would have left the reaction in no condition to explode .
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