Example sentences of "[adv] been [vb pp] by a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This has since been complemented by a Co-op super-store with 40 000 sq .
2 Airline access to Heathrow had hitherto been restricted by a rule introduced in 1977 , declaring that only those airlines which already served it could continue to do so .
3 In recent times , farm incomes in disadvantaged rural areas such as upland N E Scotland have only been maintained by a reduction in farm numbers , an increase in farm size and a fall in farm employment .
4 Many a case had only been solved by a combination of Morton 's flair and his own instincts .
5 The kidnap has apparently been perpetrated by a cell of international terrorists , and that automatically makes it a matter for state security .
6 It has all been organised by a group of venture Scouts from Abingdon in Oxfordshire .
7 There is no inherent power to take an action , or exercise a power , which has not been created by a rule or other contract provision .
8 It was fairly clear to anyone who knew English and Burmese that this had not been written by a Burman .
9 I 've never not been seen by a kid .
10 During a shift when the men considered that very little was happening , they responded to calls concerning a house fire and an attempted break-in , calls to check on the whereabouts of a pensioner who had not been seen by a neighbour for a few days , a request to pick up and transport a prisoner , and a call to move on some youths .
11 It tended to arrange debates late at night , and much too close to the critical Council meeting , when it realized it would otherwise have to maintain a parliamentary reserve in the Council if scrutiny had not been completed by a debate .
12 But among the more lowly paid members of staff there was a feeling that the sacrifices that they had been urged to make over the previous twelve months — the constraints and pay-freezes and appeals to their better nature — had not been matched by a tempering of Branson 's acquisitive spirit .
13 The concern about the unbalanced getting imageries for action from porn videos and television violence has not been matched by a concern that the popular newspapers may also be providing similar material .
14 The rise in student numbers in polytechnics has not been matched by an increase in teaching staff .
15 However , the growth has not been matched by an increase in lessees ' sophistication .
16 All this is happening against a background of spending cuts imposed by local authorities upon their colleges so that the growth in demand has not been matched by an increase of the capacity of the further education system in Wales to meet this demand .
17 Bowler felt that Minton was happiest when painting and would have been content with a quiet life had he not been driven by a need for others and by the fact that he could not bear to be on his own .
18 However , because the village newcomers possess their own cars , the reversal in the decline in rural population has not been accompanied by a revival of public transport .
19 While localism has declined , specially in the north-east and the south-east , this has not been accompanied by a rise in the proportion of students leaving Scotland .
20 The 1977 US survey quoted above concluded from the experience of those interviewed that ‘ heightened consumer awareness has apparently not been accompanied by an increase in ( shopping around for credit ) by consumers ’ .
21 He had grabbed hold of Cliff and had him halfway over the ship 's side and would have dumped him into the dock had he not been restrained by a couple of his workmates .
22 On the other hand , if a mature woman is sexually assaulted by a stranger in daylight or at home , then she has not been raped by a man but a monster .
23 The early opposition between writing and history which enabled a critique from an outer limit has thus been replaced by a dissension within Foucault 's own discursive practice .
24 Rather than being closely correlated with any absolute level of poverty , unrest has generally been sparked by a decline in living standards or by the disappointment of rising expectations .
25 He said that the erroneous advice from the IT member of staff was irrelevant because of the advice which Mr Sen had already been given by a solicitor .
26 The wide applications of Mouse Alert have already been seen by a variety of customers , whose needs range from protecting high technology equipment , ensuring that perishable foods leave premises uncontaminated , and knowing that pharmaceutical products remain sterile .
27 We need to analyse the interaction between electors , whose attitudes have already been influenced by a variety of considerations ( ranging from their own sense of both national and local political issues , down to whatever perception they might have concerning their need to accommodate themselves to their social superiors ) , and the party electioneers , who were determined to influence the electorate in whatever way they thought fit ( which invariably meant a combination of political propaganda and various forms of manipulation , bribery and intimidation ) .
28 Taking account of what has already been achieved by a student and breaching the barriers between separate sections of education and training calls for conscious management .
29 The helpline has already been used by a number of worried officers .
30 Joe met a man he had sailed with , and he told him that a ship had already been sunk by a submarine .
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