Example sentences of "[adv] we [adv] [vb base] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Right , so normally we , you know , we want to be reasonably confident , right , so we want to have a reasonably small significance level we do n't want that significance level to be too small , otherwise the power of the test will diminish very rapidly so we normally use the ten or the five percent , five percent level and if you just look at the er the five percent column , right , overall realistic sample sizes , right , from a hundred and twenty down to , to about twenty , I , those T ratios were the critical value they are all about two and that 's why we say you can have a T ratio of about greater than two , then you can be at least ninety five percent confident about your inference .
2 That only means that our overdraft will be cut from stlg6m to stlg5.5m ( or whatever it was ) ie. We still need the Batty money for this , and future years accounts .
3 should n't we use , try every effort to try and carry it off , perhaps that 's one that Jehovah 's looked at and said well there 's an area that they need to learn about , that need to understand a little more , they know nothing about that particular area , in the scriptures , now that 's a good one for them to have , we 'll make sure they get that , that way they 're going to learn , so if ever we always get the easy ones , the ones we know , the ones we 've done before , we think I can handle this , you never learn anything do we ?
4 Further , and hence We now have the embarrassing impossibility of a negative sum of squares and must conclude that method ( b ) is unsatisfactory for computer use even though it is the more practicable for hand calculation .
5 ‘ Prime Ministers always have to consider balance in the Cabinet — and at least we now have the same number of women as old Etonians in John Major 's team , ’ she said .
6 There we always see the perfect religion , the perfect political system , the perfect and most accomplished way of doing everything .
7 As a senior manager in a profession which earns its living by presenting ideas to children , frequently in a visual way , it struck me how we infrequently use the same techniques when carrying out our managerial functions .
8 Er other big issues are how we actually make the best use of European money .
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