Example sentences of "[adv] be [verb] for the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The result is an intarsia chart that needs only be joined for the vertical sections .
2 During the two phases of Pilot schemes , which were essentially experimental , detailed policy could only be formulated for the short term but , as the new system is becoming established , this letter is able to state policy for a longer period .
3 It 's a privilege ; I 'd say more , but I would only be cut for the usual reason , lack of
4 The labour-only sub-contractor , however , although occasionally employed on an hourly rate , will invariably be allocated work on a unit rate or lump sum basis and will only be paid for the actual work produced .
5 It seemed they would only be remembered for the effervescent day-glo Sixties pop which took popular root in Manhattan 's late Seventies downtown scene , where the songs Rock Lobster and Planet Claire first became free-spirited party anthems .
6 Faster responses will only be found for the activated meaning
7 The conscript troops of the MVD could not entirely be blamed for the ill fit of their uniforms , for their slouched shoulders , for their callow and chilled faces .
8 The overall award went to the Chesham Building Society but because the awards were based on performance over the last 10 years , the Royal Bank should soon be pitching for the top spot .
9 The way would thus be opened for the real attack , by 60,000 men landed simultaneously at Rye , Winchelsea , Hastings and Pevensey , who would march on London .
10 In this they may have been not entirely alone , but it is a serious charge , and it would be a brave man who would assert that it could not be substantiated for the British audio-visual scene as well .
11 The same could not be said for the pre-tournament favourite , Jose Maria Olazabal , who added a 75 to his opening 76 .
12 The same can not be said for the Labour party which fought the previous two elections on a programme that the hon. Member for Walsall , South ( Mr. George ) said was disastrous and should have been consigned to the rubbish heap .
13 The hon. Gentleman spoke for himself , which can not be said for the hon. Member for Rugby and Kenilworth ( Mr. Pawsey ) , who is not in his place , the Back-Bench chairman of the Conservative party education committee .
14 Contracting for other parts of the group , and even other manufacturers , provides a good half of the company 's income , and , just as importantly , enables it to invest in a high level of machinery which could not be justified for the volatile business of light aircraft manufacturing alone .
15 It simply would not be tolerated for the old style to continue at the expense of progress . ’
16 But this is a case where the stratigraphical wood can not be seen for the nomenclatural trees .
17 We pointed out earlier that such a proposal can not be accepted for the prenominal case because the prenominal and the clause structures are far from equivalent ; they admit different ranges of adjective , and the relation of the adjective to the head noun is different in the two cases .
18 They are pieces of writing which are distinct in law ; the author of the one could not be sued for the other , or for collaborating in it .
19 He was worried about the enormous expense involved , and he asked whether St James 's Palace , now empty , could not be used for the Foreign Office .
20 Therefore , while defensive measures must not be abandoned for the foreseeable future , we firmly believe sustainability will only be achieved by injecting an environmental imperative into the developmental process .
21 This is all the more requisite as there are certain uses in which the to infinitive can not be substituted for the bare form ( e.g. ( 13 ) ) and , vice versa , where the bare infinitive can not replace its counterpart with to , as in ( 14 ) .
22 The commentaries would not be designed for the general reader but for the specialist , who , looking up Zapp , would find that the book , article or thesis he had been planning had already been anticipated and , more likely than not , invalidated .
23 I have bought Today 's Horse since the beginning and I am happy to say that it is getting better and better — something which can not always be said for the other horsy magazines , which are often repetitive and patronising .
24 Space should always be made for the prophetic gifts of the Spirit as well as for preaching here .
25 As a proactive enforcer a field man must always be prepared for the unexpected .
26 ALTHOUGH the third Test at the Basin Reserve , Wellington produced the most evenly contested clash of an enjoyable and well-mannered series ; was played in front of good crowds ; say a notable milestone achieved by Ian Botham ; and contained several individual performances of high quality , there seems little doubt that it will always be remembered for the tragic injury to England fast bowler David Lawrence .
27 Yet , sad to relate , the game will always be remembered for the wrong reasons .
28 But intelligence could not possibly be reserved for the washed and moneyed classes .
29 Consider the dynamic adjustment process which might reasonably be postulated for the monopolistic competition model , paying especial attention to entry and exit .
30 According to the Commission on Elections ( Comelec ) , the transitional provisions of the 1987 Constitution meant that elections would also be held for the 200-seat House of Representatives , as well as for provincial , municipal and district posts , with all forms of national and local government to be replaced on June 30 .
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