Example sentences of "[adv] be [verb] into [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Many of the organisms that left fossil remains were of kinds now extinct , although some , like the trilobites , could obviously be placed into a phylum with many living representatives .
2 A credit for interest owed would not normally have been set up so the interest would be debited to the nominal account shown , which will then merely be transferred into the revenue account :
3 Legislation has put the matter beyond doubt in eight jurisdictions in the United States and elsewhere — for example , in France.15 In the United Kingdom , although some advocate legislation , it is likely that the new description will merely be incorporated into the law without more.16 The acceptance of brain-stem death may resolve a number of problems , but there is still the problem of how it is to be established in a particular case .
4 It considered that if the Community 's system of quotas in its present form allowed member states to introduce certain requirements whose compatibility with Community law could only be justified by the necessity to attain the objectives of that system , then such requirements could only be incorporated into the quota licences or other quota management measures which the United Kingdom must lay down for the management of its quotas under article 5(2) of Regulation ( E.E.C. ) No. 170/83 , and not be imposed as conditions for the registration of vessels .
5 Some documents speak for themselves and need only be handed into the court by or on behalf of the party adducing them .
6 However , the cheques — which must be for a minimum of £200 — can only be paid into an account in the investor 's name .
7 From June 16 , a cheque with the word ‘ only ’ on the payee line , instead of the present ‘ or order ’ , and crossed with the words ‘ account payee ’ can only be paid into the payee 's account .
8 Other importable file formats can only be loaded from within the TableCurve environment , so suitable data need only be typed into an ascii file with a word processor or line editor to be used , and a path to any directory on the disk can be included if necessary .
9 But er there is a a and I wouldn inevitably er one does stray into I know want it in particular points at the moment , but there is a policy consideration to be borne in mind as well , which erm does suggest that past trends should not necessarily be projected into the future .
10 He was only four seats fewer than Wilson and the Ulster loyalists could perhaps be brought into the equation .
11 The report recommended that public schools should progressively be integrated into the state system by taking pupils who would be given state grants .
12 It will shortly be rolled into a museum .
13 Soon it must have become obvious to the story-tellers that such a huge land could no longer be fitted into the Mediterranean , and so it was resited beyond the Gates of Hercules .
14 For she had actually been engaged in the very pleasant task of deciding which room in her new house at Far Flatley might best be converted into a nursery when a messenger had come from Frizingley with the awful news .
15 Sensible colours , sounds , tastes , and so on , must somehow be fitted into the mind side of the mind/matter divide .
16 The balance will give a datum or basic figure which will generally be turned into a lump sum by taking a certain number of years ' purchase .
17 Text c is intended for specific addressees , not for the general public , and it is hard for the general public to interpret without access to shared presuppositions and previous experience which can not comfortably be forced into the framework proposed by Lewis .
18 Your pension can then normally be paid into a bank in the United Kingdom or to someone else authorised by you .
19 They realised that the activity could not be subsumed into a set of procedures which would be valid in every case — " the rationale for the teaching of reading is always in evolution for the teacher . "
20 A package can not be issued as a finished product if this is not done , and it can not be converted into a product at a later stage .
21 A package can not be issued as a finished product if this is not done , and it can not be converted into a product at a later stage .
22 ‘ Sundial may close if it can not be converted ’ The Sundial Hotel in Northallerton may close if it can not be converted into a nursing home , it was claimed this week .
23 The new French Agriculture and Forestry Minister , Louis Mermaz , said that France would not be pushed into an accord even if it meant extending the December deadline for completing the GATT talks .
24 In fact the local psychiatrists shared a firm conviction that the older generation of the long-stay population should not be moved into the community .
25 This meant that characters acquired by the adult body could not be incorporated into the germ plasm and could not be inherited .
26 Those cultural practices that can not be incorporated into the culture-ideology of consumerism become oppositional counter-hegemonic forces , to be harnessed or marginalized , and if that fails , destroyed physically .
27 It is true that water and watery substances can not be absorbed into the bloodstream through the skin , although the upper layers will temporarily hold a little water .
28 Or , as Bernard Shaw more eloquently put it , ‘ The ocean of Socialism can not be poured into the pint pot of a nineteenth century parliament . ’
29 The trade union legislation introduced in Britain in the past decade has enabled the expression of a variety of worker attitudes to unionization , because it has ensured that workers can not be coerced into a union and it has also increased union democracy .
30 That way he will not be bumping into the Lady Jinneth again in such a hurry .
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