Example sentences of "[adv] be [verb] of [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He was pressed into the ranks of the northern army , ‘ whereby he might somewhat be instructed of the difference between the sitting quietly in his house , and the travail and danger which others daily do sustain' .
2 It is the general rule that the patient 's own doctor will only be informed of the results of tests if the patient specifically requests it .
3 PARACETAMOL could soon be cured of the stigma of being a ‘ dangerous and insidious ’ drug .
4 There was always the possibility , of course , that his suggestion of a fortnight ago may have been a whim of the moment , and he would no longer be approving of the idea .
5 If the accused is charged under one part of s.16(2) he can not be convicted of an offence under the other paragraph : Aston & Hadley [ 1970 ] 1 WLR 1584 ( CA ) .
6 Section 2(5) of the 1959 Act reads : " A person shall not be convicted of an offence against this section ( ie the offence of publishing obscene material ) if he proves that he had not examined the article in respect of which he is charged and had no reasonable cause to suspect that it was such that his publication of it would make him liable to be convicted of an offence against this section . "
7 In the case of the substantive apple , it is obvious that the lexeme evoked by this word can only be applied to objects of our experience which are by nature apples : it can not be said of a pen or an eraser .
8 Unfortunately the same can not be said of the decision to persevere with the existing range of street furniture .
9 That can not be said of the SNP , which campaigned with zest and intelligence , and yet finds itself with only the same three seats that it won in 1987 .
10 The same can not be said of the keyboard itself which uses really nasty little keytops and has stick-on legends but at least they have been stuck on for you this time .
11 Unfortunately , this can not be said of the licence fee .
12 Some commentators have pointed out that , as can not be said of the Cadbury Committee 's report on the financial aspects of corporate governance , much legislation would be needed to implement the Green Paper 's proposals .
13 Fuck that , we were the only team not to choke when it came to the crunch , the same can not be said of the scum .
14 The senior staff of the TANU press felt that , while they might not always be in agreement with everything the Government and its various ministries did or said , they were committed to its goals ; the same , they believed , could not be said of the Standard .
15 The Class 321 units ( of which the first was delivered in September 1988 ) , were an immediate success , but the same can not be said of the Class 442 ‘ Wessex Electrics ’ of which twenty-four five-car units should have been delivered in time for the May 1988 timetable .
16 The same can not be said of the ruck/maul proposal .
17 But it certainly could not be said of the master-manufacturers that theirs was the whisper of a faction , nor of the unions in their post-1832 revolutionary phase that theirs was the voice of the nation .
18 The same can not be said of the ceremonial and ritual laws which occupy much of Leviticus and other parts of the Pentateuch .
19 It 's a tragedy that more commercial use can not be made of the waterways .
20 Yet David Carlton feels that too much should not be made of the gathering of opposition to Chamberlain 's National government policy of appeasement .
21 Sight should not be lost of the calls for a separate small claims court ( see below ) and care must be taken in considering the use to which the procedure is put by the private citizen , as distinct from businesses and other organisations .
22 He can not be rid of the yearnings ,
23 It seems to their Lordships that the petitioner can not be deprived of a right of appeal solely because the trial was divided into two parts , the first part dealing with the compromise issue and the cancellation issue and the second part , so far as necessary , dealing with the misconduct issue .
24 In answer to a Parliamentary Question , he said that where , following a successful challenge in the courts , retrospective legislation is introduced to restore the previous understanding of the law , it has long been the Government 's policy that the successful litigant should not be deprived of the benefit of the court judgment in his favour .
25 One aim of it is to make opponents of abortion appear unpatriotic and out of tune with American values ; but the main message being conveyed implicitly here is that women are Americans too : they should not be deprived of the rights and liberties guaranteed to all American citizens by the US Constitution .
26 Also , employers who close their premises because there is no electricity can not be accused of a lockout and are no longer responsible for wages .
27 He did not volunteer any further suggestions but took her to one of the few French restaurants he knew in Soho , where hopefully she would not be reminded of the man she loved .
28 The other points to note on the Regulations are : ( i ) that advantage can not be taken of the section if a provision , ‘ however expressed , ’ of the company 's memorandum or articles requires copies of the full accounts to be sent to members or which prohibits the sending of summary financial statements ( ii ) that provisions , similar to those in relation to the full accounts , apply to approval by , and signature on behalf of , the directors of the summary , and ( iii ) that , up to the end of 1991 , most listed companies do not seem to have opted to adopt the innovation .
29 The data necessary to convey video simply can not be pulled of the disc fast enough .
30 Holmes will not come back when he is called ( he does n't even turn round when you shout ) and he can not be allowed of the lead .
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