Example sentences of "[adv] you [verb] [adv] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps you do n't remember that , my boy .
2 But perhaps you do n't need that sort of thing in the old lee-gitimate theayter .
3 Perhaps you did n't know that yourself .
4 Obviously you have n't got that at the moment , you 've got this lot like that .
5 ‘ If only you 'd never married that whore . ’
6 So you 've always got that thing to think about .
7 So you do n't do that
8 And instead of having a few puffs and , and saving and throwing two dog ends away you did n't see that , they 'd just break it in half and have half each .
9 But you 've not you 've not done that particular idea , tees ?
10 Meanwhile you do n't feel that way inclined .
11 And presumably you did n't do that with Mr Nott , the Secretary of State of the day ?
12 Right you do n't want that one .
13 Cos , probably you do n't realize that , even a cigarette light , if you drew a cigarette , like that , and er and made it glow , it 's visible for quite a few hundred yards in the darkness .
14 Well really you do n't want that .
15 Now you 've not done that you 've actually done his journey time .
16 Oh well you 've quite enjoyed that and you 've had a few of them by the smell of you .
17 Well you 've still got that two grand of whatever
18 Well you do n't want that do you ?
19 Well you do n't do that .
20 Even you do n't believe that ! ’
21 ‘ Well , surely you did n't think that would take the sting out of the deception you 've been practising ? ’
22 Surely you do n't think that ?
23 Rory , that 's all old boots , surely you do n't think that ? ’
24 because that 's another problem and I think maybe people have n't you know like addressed that .
25 No but you do n't you do n't do that sort of thing .
26 But then you do n't do that .
27 ‘ May I ask why you did n't do that in the first place ? ’
28 I could n't understand why you did n't do that in the first place .
29 That 's why you did n't want that other moron to hurt me .
30 party erm line saying that , identifying anyone with any power in the community as er well you can identify them so therefore you 've already got that directive and then you 've got
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