Example sentences of "[adv] that they [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was n't until 8 pm. that they let the Red Cross through .
2 So if that management committee decides in a year 's time or two year 's time thank you when when we 've been rolling on a bit and a lot of this has died down that they want a single headed project .
3 Applying the principles of the 12 Steps in all aspects of life so that they become a natural way of life and provide the capacity to live happily and confidently without the need for mood-altering substances or behaviours .
4 Compacts should strongly recommend that trade unionists should be released on full pay to work with teachers and students so that they gain a balanced understanding of how industry works .
5 Double and triple installations can be arranged so that they use a constant flow of water , which is introduced into the rinse sink , overflowing by weirs wash sinks , to discharge continuously via an overflow pipe fixed in the wash sink .
6 Yet in the first half of the century the number of unmarried women increased substantially , so that they formed a significant minority group Spinsters maintained an anomalous social position and were often seen as a threat to a society that assumed all women would marry and be subject to the control of their husbands [ Hill , 229–30 ] .
7 It was also during the winter months that vines were taken down from their wires and their ends tied ( often to the water pipes ) so that they formed a large bow shape .
8 Additionally , they could be mixed with their neighbouring emotions so that they formed the secondary emotions of : submission , awe , disappointment , remorse , contempt , aggression , optimism , and love .
9 For example Roe ( 1952 ) , Eiduson ( 1962 ) and McClelland ( 1962 ) suggested that male scientists often experienced a lonely childhood , perhaps suffering social isolation through illness or family circumstances , so that they developed a strong interest in their surrounding material world and a below average interest in other people and relationships .
10 The crucial process , which the British Technology Group is patenting , aligns the polymers so that they form a coherent layer .
11 It is a lot easier these days , so make up a little cocktail of compatible systemic insecticide and fungicide , plus a drip or two of washing-up detergent to achieve a good wetting , in a small bowl , and swish the two leaves of each cutting in the solution so that they get a good wetting and protective coating .
12 Space must be left so that they get an uninterrupted view , extra lighting may need to be laid on and someone must be on hand to make sure the photograph has an accurate caption .
13 He should insist that the correct wing is held , and direct the car or tractor driver so that they take a safe route which is clear of any hazard from dropping winch cables .
14 Sometimes she would climax first , sometimes he , and on good nights they would explode together so that they felt the same tingling in the very tips of their toes and even then he 'd had to remember to withdraw — just in case .
15 In large organisations the assumption of the supervisory role is often made easier by transferring staff on promotion so that they make a fresh start among strangers ;
16 McDonald outlines it thus : ‘ A : find the best artists you can ; B : keep them in a creative mood so that they make the best records they can , and C : maximise the sales of the records everywhere without turning it into a real form of drudgery for them . ’
17 Can he give some information about the way in which the Government can encourage the greater recruitment of traffic wardens up to full complement in police forces and encourage the better use of those wardens so that they make the best possible contribution to the maintenance of traffic flow and the release of police officers for the control of crime ?
18 Pre-Course advice — nominators or candidates are helped to choose the most appropriate course , so that they make the best possible investment .
19 And , needless now perhaps to say , such situations should mount up on a progressive scale so that they make an ongoing story .
20 Very big trees it , it 's suggested should be planted along there , so that they make an immediate impact .
21 The newspaper became embarrassed ; so much so that they ran a follow-up feature called ‘ Lest We Forget ’ .
22 Enhancement techniques spread the range of pixel values so that they cover the full dynamic range of the image display system .
23 Specialist sectors are identified and firms either decide to concentrate on one or two of these or arrange their activities so that they cover the whole range of sectors .
24 Suppression is a way of hiding your true feelings so that they remain an internal experience but do n't manifest themselves in your behaviour .
25 The adoral shields are long and narrow , flared distally so that they separate the oral shield from the first lateral arm plate .
26 The adoral shields are long with a straight proximal edge and widening distally so that they separate the oral shield from the first lateral arm plate .
27 The Seven Points to Remember were revised so that they mentioned the four types of diarrhoea ( previously described ) and stated that all four types should be treated with LGS .
28 The accredited representatives of foreign States participating in the investigation should be attached to him rather than to a particular group , so that they have a complete appreciation of the whole picture .
29 Certainly the request of staff then could turn into of the panel erm but but I think at the same time if people want to look at the structure so that they have a complete view of the structural organisation
30 In some cases a liaison arrangement is made with an individual who will , in addition to the responsibilities given in ( 1 ) above , help with the training of Archive staff so that they have a better appreciation of the needs of particular users of the data .
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