Example sentences of "[adv] that i [modal v] [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 So you just watch out for everything for me , and take notice , so that I 'll catch up .
2 I appreciate that such proposals raise cost , operating and Health & safety issues , and would be grateful for your observations so that I may report back to my Committee .
3 I asked for names and addresses so that I might pass on details to the police .
4 I had some dim idea that I should see what sort of creatures these whores were , so that I might find out what I was .
5 It makes me long for a complete collection so that I might read on , especially the verse you mention but do not quote .
6 The visitor left , forgetting to take her sewing machine , and I left with her , knowing full well that I would never see Aisha again and that news of my forcing the lock on her cupboard would reach my family and the whole village well amplified , so that I 'd end up accused of stealing all of Aisha 's possessions .
7 You 're just trying to amuse me — to set it up for me so that I can walk up and down the room gasping and shouting ‘ I do n't believe it ! ’
8 I have a mind to recruit a force of my own investigating officers , so that I can carry out effectively what is my sworn duty . ’
9 In retirement I hope my company will provide me with an office and a secretary , so that I can go on contributing to society from my experience .
10 I know many children and I enjoy looking after them I plan to do this for my career as I have applied to Suffolk College for a place in the Nursery Nursing course so that I can go on to be a Nanny .
11 One so that I can go up there and sit and read and erm sit and knit and er learn to type
12 I half hope he 's awake , so that I can go in and sit with him , and stroke his head .
13 Another possibility for the seminar is that if you want to bring some notes along to a sort of , if you show me a if you dream up hypothetical questions and then put a plan to answer them so that I can skim down it in about a minute or two .
14 I shift myself a stair higher , so that I can reach up and stroke my son 's head .
15 ‘ All right , but mind you come and tell me if you can , so that I can climb up with you , ’ said Anne .
16 Erm so we we need to work out how much space we need to stand it in so that I can get back to Philip and and and agree that .
17 Adam gave it to me the other day so that I could lock up .
18 It was at this moment that I decided I must learn to dance , so that I could stay on at the pensione instead of roaming about .
19 The fields shone a new green in the sun , and the air which for days had been hazy had been cleaned by the rain so that I could make out the shapes of sheep grazing near the old Coal Road above Cowgill as I walked down the lane .
20 And him being a lawyer and all , we cooked up a grand scheme between us so that I could go back to Ireland with my pride intact . ’
21 So that basically is it how would we see the course 's structure I do n't think we 've got time to do that today I wanted really to just to throw some ideas with you good folks and get the benefit of your thoughts and experience so that I could go back to Napier and say this is what my committee says
22 On that first occasion my father took me through Craven Hill Gardens into Porchester Terrace , showed me the blank brick back of the facades and lifted me up on to the wall so that I could look down into the shaft .
23 At gym lessons I needed to organise my changing routine so that I could take off my outdoor shoes , slip my feet immediately into my gym shoes and , even before I tied my gym-shoe laces , put my outdoor shoes into my satchel hoping that they would stay there throughout the lesson .
24 He gave it to me so that I could come in and out to you as I like .
25 They had both been so kind , caring and helpful during the whole of Nigel 's illness — staying with him so that I could get out to shop and have a break , taking him to his hospital appointments because their car was bigger and therefore more comfortable for him , and in dozens of other , smaller but no less important ways .
26 , a delightful person , was my guardian angel for the first ten days of the tour , and was also good enough to rearrange my return journey from Hyderabad , so that I could get back in London in time for an appointment on 29 November .
27 I knew exactly where to stop it so that I could get off and go down the ladder , sneak a cup of tea or something .
28 He installed me in the base-camp , an old redbrick gardener 's cottage with roses climbing up the side , offered me the keys to the crew bus so that I could pick up something to eat in nearby Worksop , and even had the foresight to take a pint of milk from the warden 's fridge so that I 'd be able to make a cup of coffee in the morning .
29 I pulled a corner of the curtain away from the window so that I could see out .
30 He said and says nothing , just that I 'll find out some day but by then it 'll be too late .
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