Example sentences of "[adv] that [pers pn] [vb past] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It occurred to her suddenly that she found the cloak-and-dagger element in all this vaguely disturbing , and totally unnecessary .
2 Additionally , they could be mixed with their neighbouring emotions so that they formed the secondary emotions of : submission , awe , disappointment , remorse , contempt , aggression , optimism , and love .
3 Sometimes she would climax first , sometimes he , and on good nights they would explode together so that they felt the same tingling in the very tips of their toes and even then he 'd had to remember to withdraw — just in case .
4 The Seven Points to Remember were revised so that they mentioned the four types of diarrhoea ( previously described ) and stated that all four types should be treated with LGS .
5 The farmer put Tess next to the threshing-machine , so that she had the hardest and most tiring job of all .
6 ‘ So much so that she told the entire matinée audience of a Noel Coward play !
7 His footsteps seemed unusually loud on the cobblestones , setting up a confusion of echoes from the brick walls so that he had the eerie sensation that he was not alone , and that other solitary walkers surrounded him .
8 Alfonso , on the other hand , though go-ahead and energetic , was of a docile nature and readily deferred to his parents and his eldest sister Urraca , so that he became the favourite son and developed all the traits of a spoilt child .
9 I told him that when he came up the ramp he must accelerate on the throttle at speed so that he got the front wheel up in the air , so he would n't nosedive and hurt himself .
10 Willie turned back to look at the comics so that he missed the surprised expression on his face .
11 so that it lacked the technical vocabulary needed to accommodate the translations of classical texts .
12 She had lost her cap , and so could not again conceal the glory of her hidden beauty , but she twisted the plait in a knot behind her head and clipped it there as best she could with the two pins she had found , so that it resembled the thick queue of a man 's old-fashioned wig .
13 Scans were obtained by manipulating the transducer so that it followed the appropriate long axis of the gall bladder and the largest gall bladder diameters at each time were recorded .
14 They stood before the dressing table for a while , looking at it and discussing it , apparently , but eventually just turned it round so that it faced the wrong way , rather than turn it upside down .
15 It is dangerous to simplify law , but our understanding is that to convict someone of a serious crime like theft , we normally have to prove not only that they committed the alleged act , but also that they knew it was wrong .
16 His investigations are accompanied by a search for an india-rubber , about which he remembers only that it contained the two letters ‘ di ’ in the middle of its trade name ( hence ‘ Oe di pe ’ ) .
17 He would far rather that I acted the good housewife instead .
18 I sent away and passed the exams and I became a policeman , but I always wanted to become a policeman when I , from about eighteen or nineteen it 's just that I drifted the wrong way .
19 Not that I minded the actual going , as it were .
20 Not that he had the faintest idea of the contents of the envelope he carried within the breast pocket of the jacket he declined to hand over to the stewardess .
21 The result , therefore , is a framed narrative without a frame narrator — not that he reached the two sides of this conclusion simultaneously .
22 Not that she had the slightest prejudice against blacks .
23 It was not that she minded the hard work ; it was what the hard work did to her poor hands .
24 Melissa was on her way in a flash , but not so quickly that she missed the knowing look on Iris 's face .
25 In fairness to Keith , he realised very quickly that he lacked the requisite qualities and threw in the towel .
26 Mr Zeman , a former member of the Communist Party , said yesterday that he regarded the current leadership as ‘ anti-socialist , counter-revolutionary , and right-wing ’ .
27 I tried an abortive term at Durham University Drama Department and that made me realise even more that I wanted the real thing ; by then I had , in any case , worked the AIM stint and I did n't need theory ; I wanted practice .
28 It was his way of saying at once that he knew the worst of what was to come , and had only the details to learn .
29 Both ladies were to say later that they knew the young man by sight , but not by name .
30 The joke was that it was sometime later that we learnt the whole affair had been staged by Basil who had been in earlier to go through his in-tray and deal with the important memos , etc .
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