Example sentences of "[adv] that [prep] [art] [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 She dreamed , not for the last time , that the baby had prematurely got out , like a kangaroo embryo , and was making its way blind and white and tiny up and up the billowing creases of Mrs Orton 's purple front , as that woman talked on and on , shifting so that at every turn the climbing thing was about to be casually suffocated .
2 Horror coursed through Grainne , so that for a moment the stone room tilted all about her .
3 He laughed softly , the wind catching the low rumble of sound and tossing it around so that for a moment the very air seemed to be filled with it .
4 Although in the sixth century the Byzantine Emperor Justinian 's great generals Belisarius and Narses succeeded in reconquering much of the west , so that for a time the Mediterranean again became a Roman lake , in the following century Europe faced a dangerous new enemy .
5 However , economy being of prime importance , he included , he said , nothing inessential to the art of gardening that might increase the size and price ( eighteen shillings ) , but neither had he omitted any advice which might be deemed useful to the profession , ‘ so that upon the whole the work is rendered as complete a system of practical gardening as present knowledge of vegetation can supply ’ .
6 What hostility did not do was deflect him from his purpose , so that by the time the regime fell in 1870 Paris had been altered for ever and bore the mark of Napoleon III .
7 so that by the time the eastern goods reached the Mediterranean only the most uninspiring of the diamonds were left .
8 This difference increased with the age of the youngest child in the family , so that by the time the latter had reached 11 years old still only 44 per cent of the mothers of disabled children were in paid work compared with 87 per cent of control group mothers .
9 The potential for the first management of the ‘ wildwood ’ may have been under-appreciated by researchers in the past , so that by the time the first people with a knowledge of agriculture arrived from Europe in the period before 4000 BC , the landscape may already have been greatly altered .
10 They have since then also covered a wide academic spectrum — including business and management studies , science and technology , the social sciences , the humanities , and art and design — so that in a sense the term ‘ Polytechnic ’ is something of a misnomer .
11 Cricket lore was handed down from Yorkshire dad to lad , so much so that in the end the family history itself was the enemy .
12 Once created , the State enforces on all a common nationalism , so that in the end the ‘ nation ’ becomes a kind of ideational shadow to the operation of public power ; what the government decides defines the will of the nation .
13 The second person then follows so that in the end the whole team is linked together by string .
14 She determine not to be put off by her first failure , but to go on doing things to Mary Lou so that in the end the class would have to put the tricks down to Alicia and Daryl .
15 The most notable thing about the Rough Wooing is not that in the end the savagery of the English attack drove the Scots away from the new idea of friendship with England and back into the arms of their natural and ancient allies , the French .
16 It was held ( a ) that it was a statement of present fact , namely that at the time the letter was sent the traveller had a definite and certain booking , ( b ) that that statement was false because the airline 's overbooking policy meant that the traveller 's booking was exposed to a risk that it might not give a seat on the aircraft , and ( c ) that the airline made the false statement knowingly ( and not merely recklessly ) since the airline was well aware of its own overbooking policy .
17 The services were cut so drastically that at the time no one in their right mind would have forecast that they would become so bad .
18 Solutions of Einstein 's equation will be sought for sources that are nearly Newtonian , which means firstly that within the source the curvature and strain are small and secondly that the velocity v of the material within the source is very much less than c .
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