Example sentences of "[adv] at [adv] [pers pn] [vb mod] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 And that is why , as Mr said , I think they ought to be allowed to produce some sort of advertising pamphlet , and get their act together , because if they 're going to go and compete out there they 've got to be prepared for it , and we 've got to allow them to give a decent presentation , at least have a decent glossy brochure to push round , so at least they can say what they do , because they will never compete when they are privatised unless they get it .
2 Perhaps I could intervene and try to establish a view on vacancies , so at least we can get one element of out
3 At one point about three years ago , they said , right , we 'll gon na buy a small fridge , so at least we can keep bread , milk , and things like that upstairs .
4 Mind you it seemed that they had a test at school last week and he was n't terribly happy with it , he said he could n't understand it , he tried to explain to me what it was , but erm , it 's not , not easy , but Ga Gavin said erm , he said they 'd had a test and he said it took him time to get into it but once he got into it , you know , he did alright in it , I think he said how many he got , he did n't seem to do too badly , but he said Alex did n't really do anything and what he did do he thought was wrong so he did n't hand it in , he said and in actual fact what he had done was right , so I do n't know , I told , I told Alex to go and see , you know , and ask about it and sort of erm , apparently he did do that so at least he 'll know , but erm , it 's strange really because normally Alex
5 He had taken some comfort from the fact that he had been the last man to board the cage , so at least he could watch Yorky and the others exit , before his turn came .
6 the whatsernames , so at least I can know whether to go home and come back
7 Sure so at least you 'll know when I come back I 'm gon na ask you , thank you very much indeed .
8 I wondered what was going on really , because I mean it just at least I can take them
9 ‘ If you 're going to enjoy Tivoli as it deserves to be enjoyed , I think for tonight at least we should call a truce , ’ he suggested , apparently unaware of her intense reaction to his touch , as they walked past the Pantominteatret , where a performance of the traditional Italian pantomime was taking place on the open-air stage .
10 If we 're able to use it the cold may win us a few days in which to withdraw to bed and grieve gently for ourselves ; if not at least we can weep openly at work , blowing our nose and wiping our eyes , and get a little consideration and sympathy from others for our sad lot .
11 Once at least he could feel that a sermon of his moved his hearers .
12 ‘ And if you manages to blow them all out at once you can make a wish , ’ said Carrie .
13 Now at least I can retire with some money , ’ said Alex , a BR worker for 46 years .
14 ‘ We have received a lot of information from this contract but we are looking now at how we can make the best input possible .
15 Well at least we can plan it for the week then .
16 Well at least I 'll get them into the kitchen for you , I ca n't leave you with all this mess , can I Chrissy ? ’
17 Yeah well at least I 'd get rid of it and then start again .
18 Well at least I can take the opportunity to thank them now , while I think about it !
19 That 's better , well at least you can see the numbers now Is that the co colleges , no ?
20 Well at least he 'll have been here this weekend to find
21 Well at least he can have a word with him about it and see what and he can do , and then you go to and see what they can do .
22 One side advantage of using these human interest aspects of the police procedural is that here at least you will have to do no research , or no more than is required by looking into your own heart .
23 Then at least we would avoid the congestion of bus traffic along there and if townbound traffic was limited to one stop on the museum side of Tubwell Row instead of two stops in 100 yards we might get somewhere in more senses than one .
24 If they 're relatively technical , then I , then I 'd be grateful if they can be left to the officers , but obviously if there 's anything that erm , is political in anyway , big P or small P , then at least we can get in touch with the er , P A G , and if necessary call a meeting in respect Chair .
25 If her marriage had to be mentioned at all — and she did n't see why it was even necessary , it had absolutely nothing to do with her work as a book illustrator — then at least they could have got the facts straight , and described her as separated .
26 Until then at least they can take comfort knowing adults sometimes have to suffer uniforms even worse than their own .
27 Then at least he 'll take the heat off you .
28 Steven decided that if he could n't come up with a definitive artistic statement to impress the grown-ups , then at least he could impress them with the definitive bank statement .
29 If only Nubenehem remembered it , then at least he could establish for certain which girl had been at the City of Dreams .
30 The process of report and interrogation took quite a time , and Rostov began to suspect that if he and the others were to be subjected to some form of tribunal before their fate was decided , then at least it would pass for a fair one .
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