Example sentences of "[adv] be see from [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We can only be seen from the river , and no one 's likely to be down there at this time of night . ’
2 It can be easily distinguished because the weft strands are left hanging at the back , and the design can only be seen from the front .
3 Eventually , the star would be so dim that it could no longer be seen from the spaceship : all that would be left would be a black hole in space .
4 They can not be seen from the village , but are visible from Anglesey across the Menai Strait .
5 The topmost foliage is taller than me and the growth is so dense I can not be seen from the lawn as I dig into the muddy trench which forms an oasis round the stem .
6 The top part of the well section can not be seen from the entrance viewpoint as it lies behind the retaining wall and is covered by earth and vegetation .
7 The car could not be seen from the house because of the shelter of trees .
8 The streets were in a dip and could n't easily be seen from the estate .
9 In a quite different part of the world , the volcano Pacaya , only thirty-two kilometres from Guatemala City , in Central America , is just as active , if not more so , and the red glare from the volcano can easily be seen from the city on a clear night .
10 Its many rivers can still be seen from the air , etched like fossils across the desert 's blank expanses .
11 The sea can still be seen from the orchard and it is possible at this stage that the German Army could push the Commando Brigade back into the sea .
12 The appeal of liturgical monastic religion can also be seen from the fact that when Ethelwold in the 960s expelled the married clergy from the church of Winchester in favour of celibate monks , three of the former clergy , Eadsige , Wulfige , and Wilstan , returned as celibates to the new communal life .
13 It can also be seen from the results that as the level of processing increases , the ability to recognise a word correctly increasingly exceeds the ability to recognise words that do not fulfill the task .
14 Right so the first thing we , as a crime prevention officer , we , well I look at anyway , is surrounding areas of a house that ca n't be seen from the road .
15 You ca n't be seen from the road , is there anything else that might put you off ?
16 And as it could n't be seen from the cockpit there had been nothing to remind her that it was still open .
17 She fixed her bike among some bushes where it would n't be seen from the lane , and then ran along the grass-verge to the gap in the trees where the path began .
18 I left Werewolf with a withering look and headed for the edge of the road , cutting back deeper into the trees so I could n't be seen from the farmhouse when I reached the fenced-off field .
19 Secure ground floor windows first and any window which ca n't be seen from the street or which can be reached from a drainpipe or flat roof .
20 You make sure he ca n't be seen from the letter flap , which is covered by a sealed box , then you look round the hall .
21 In October 1959 , the Soviet probe Luna 3 first photographed the far side of the Moon , which can never be seen from the Earth .
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